
  • 网络animal novel
  1. 沈石溪笔下狼形象的塑造在当代动物小说创作中占据独树一帜的地位。

    This kind of writing shows a new trend of animal novel writing in China .

  2. 他们都从不同的角度分析过这部作品,如幻想小说,动物小说等等。

    They analyze the novel from different angles , such as being a fantasy or an animal novel .

  3. 杰克·伦敦,作为一名大胆的探险者和文坛先锋,他以动物小说而著称。

    Jack London , an American adventurer and literary pioneer , is famous for his animal novels .

  4. 但伦敦不应该被看作是仅仅擅长于动物小说的作家。

    London should not be taken as a writer who is only good at depicting dogs and wolves .

  5. 因此其对动物小说的系统研究是现今杰克·伦敦文学研究领域中一个十分重要的课题。

    So the system research about the animal stories is a very important study in recent Literature criticizes .

  6. 伴随着新世纪以来动物小说创作的蓬勃发展,其类型化表征日益彰显。

    The new century animal novel has increasingly shown its typification with the vigorous development of its production .

  7. 他的动物小说创作在新时期少年小说创作中占有重要的地位。

    His creation of animal novels plays an important role in the juvenile novel creation in the new era .

  8. 变形人的文化哲思&《金驴记》与《薛伟》等人化动物小说之比较

    The Cultural Philosophy of Metamorphosis & A Comparison of The Biography of Gold Donkey and Xue Wei About Animalized Persons

  9. 本文从生命文化的角度,较为深刻地探讨与研究了沈石溪动物小说内在的美学意蕴。

    From the viewpoint of life culture , this essay profoundly discusses and studies the intrinsic cultural significance of the animal stories by Sheng Shixi .

  10. 许多中国读者都喜欢他的小说特别是动物小说如《野性的呼唤》,《白牙》和《棕狼》。

    Many Chinese readers are fond of his works especially his animal novels such as The Call of the Wild , White Fang and Brown Wolf .

  11. 本文认为,对动物小说内在生命文化的美学追求,是沈石溪艺术创作永不枯竭的源泉与灵感。

    The article believes that the aesthetic pursuit of intrinsic life culture in the animal story is the ever-inexhaustible fountain and inspiration of Sheng 's creative writing .

  12. 他的很多作品在国内外都广受欢迎。在我国,许多读者对伦敦的作品尤其是两部动物小说《野性的呼唤》(1903)和《白牙》(1906)都很熟悉。

    Many Chinese readers are familiar with London 's works especially his two animal novels The Call of the Wild ( 1903 ) and White Fang ( 1906 ) .

  13. 因此动物小说的研究的价值不仅浸透于当下,更指向于美好的未来。

    In that case , the research value of the animal novels embody not only in nowadays but also in the dreaming future in animal creation of the novels .

  14. 动物小说以其独特的题材和艺术特色,成为儿童文学一面独特的旗帜。

    For the particular subject matters and characters of the art , the animal novel grows to a special literation style , in the children literature in nowadays literature history .

  15. 本文从自然主义角度入手,分析遗传因素和环境因素对这两部动物小说中的主人公布克和白牙的生命历程的影响。

    From the naturalistic point of view , this thesis analyzes the influences of heredity and environment on the lives of Buck and White Fang , heroes of The Call of the Wild and White Fang .

  16. 怀特三部动物幻想小说中对动物、自然的描写完全是写实主义的手法,对自然的模仿遵循着一种苛求的原则。

    White describes animals and nature with realistic skill , and the mimetic of nature follows certain strict principle .

  17. 宋前小说中的动物文献与小说母题

    Animal Texts before Song Dynasty and Their Novel Motifs

  18. 最后,动物形象在小说叙事、生态意义方面有着重要的艺术魅力。

    Last but not least , the images of animal have an important relationship between narration of fiction and ecological significance .

  19. 黑鹤作为我国的动物小说家之一,因其动物小说的艺术贡献,受到评论界的关注。他的艺术贡献主要体现在两大方面:一方面是对当代中国北部生态危机的揭示。

    The Heihe as the novelist of our animals , because of his art features are mainly reflected in two major aspects : one is to reveal to the ecological crisis of the contemporary northern China .

  20. 动物叙事中的人文情怀&新世纪动物小说类型化研究的意义与可行性探析

    Humanity Feelings of " Animal Narrative " & Research Significance and Feasibility Analysis of the New Century Animal Novels ' Typification