
  • 网络Metallic;metallica
  1. Spotify取得了一些成功——齐柏林飞船(LedZeppelin)、平克•弗洛伊德(PinkFloyd)和金属乐队(Metallica)等知名的不合作者最近均与它签署了协议,使得主要的“钉子户”只剩下披头士乐队(TheBeatles)。

    Spotify has had some success - notable holdouts such as Led Zeppelin , Pink Floyd and Metallica have all signed up recently , leaving The Beatles as the main exception .

  2. 第一个错误就不该选金属乐队的歌至少我承认错误

    Well , first mistake , Metallica karaoke ? Well , at least I could admit it .

  3. 比如说,他是大学里Speed金属乐队的鼓手。

    For example , he was the drummer of a speed metal band in college .

  4. 本体是一个旋律死亡金属乐队由芬兰。

    Noumena is a melodic death metal band from Finland .

  5. 愤怒机器。美国著名说唱金属乐队现场演唱会。

    Rage against the machine & live at the grand Olympic auditorium .

  6. 伟大而独一无二的中国民谣金属乐队。

    Great and unique Folk Metal from China .

  7. 有俄罗斯金属乐队演奏的歌曲,诸如“忧郁”和“是否原谅我”完全符合这种恐怖而且病态的氛围。

    Songs by such Russian metal bands as Melancholy and Forgive-Me-Not keep patrons agreeably morbid .

  8. 我相信你会在更多的中国黑金属乐队中找到这个问题的答案。

    You will find the answer to this question among the further Chinese black metal bands , I believe .

  9. 相较普通的音乐爱好者,金属乐队和林肯公园的粉丝也更愿意“实战”。

    Metallica and Linkin Park fans were also more than willing the average music lover to go all the way .

  10. 怎么样说实话吧我唱歌没天分不你很棒金属乐队的歌完全被我毁了

    Well ? Admit it . I can 't sing.No . You were great.Come on , totally trashed a Metallica song .

  11. 税务局先是拒绝了一对瑞典夫妇给他们的女儿,名叫金属乐队(乐队名)发通行证,但是随后收回了这个决策。

    Tax officials initially denied a Swedish couple a passport for their daughter , named after the band , but later withdrew the objection .

  12. 从莫扎特到金属乐队,无数人在写作或绘画时喜欢听各种音乐。

    From Mozart to Metallica , tons of people enjoy listening to various types of music while they paint , write , or draw .

  13. 他们特别喜欢播放金属乐队的歌曲,根据伊拉克囚犯们称,《睡魔降临》这首歌就被循环播放,长达数个小时。

    A particular favorite was Metallica ; according to Iraqi prisoners , the song " Enter Sandman " was played in a continuous loop for hours .

  14. 读书或者听一些舒缓的音乐可以帮助你——不过要认真的选择,恐怖之王或死亡金属乐队在这个时候不适合。

    Reading a book , or listening to some relaxing music can help - although choose your material carefully ; this isn 't the time for Stephen King or Cannibal Corpse .

  15. 2011年的电影《松林外》他扮演的角色身穿复古金属乐队的短袖。之后立即引发了人们对20世纪80年代复古摇滚T恤的热捧,时至今日,该着装还是热度不减。

    When he starred in The Place Beyond the Pines in 2011 , his character 's vintage Metallica T-shirts played a part in kicking off the 1980s vintage-rock-tee craze that 's still going strong today .

  16. 我昨天晚上刚弄到一大堆“金属”乐队的MP3。

    I just got a whole bunch of Metallica MP3s last night .

  17. 多诺万是凤凰城金属核乐队NotQuiteBernadette的成员之一。

    Donovan was a member of the Phoenix metalcore band not quite Bernadette .

  18. 马克:我不是很喜欢“金属”乐队。

    Mark : I don 't like Metallica very much .

  19. 带根牢牢地植根于旧的斯堪的纳维亚金属遗留乐队组合成自己独特的音景的死亡,黑色,厄运金属的沉重,甚至暗示。

    With roots firmly rooted in the old scandinavian metal legacy the band combines death , black , heavy and even hints of doom metal into their own distinctive soundscape .

  20. 被描述为技术死亡金属或前卫死亡金属的乐队通常混合了普通的死亡金属美学和前卫摇滚、爵士乐或古典乐的元素。

    Bands described as technical death metal or progressive death metal usually fuse common death metal aesthetics with elements of progressive rock , jazz or classical music .