
  • 网络power lift
  1. 温州模式已经发展到面临突破的阶段,需要从历史中挖掘动力提升人们的创造活力。

    Wenzhou mode has been developed into the stage of breakthrough ;

  2. 使用面向服务的体系结架构(SOA)的其中一大动力在于提升企业的敏捷度,并将不可避免的改变所带来的影响减到最小。

    One of the main drivers for using of the Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) is to increase enterprise agility and minimize the impact of inevitable changes .

  3. 以制度与技术创新为动力,提升乡镇企业竞争力,以增加农民务工收入水平;

    Promote the competitiveness of TVE by institutional and technological innovations to increase the non-agricultural income ;

  4. 以改革创新为动力,提升企业品牌和强化资本运行功能;

    Take reforming and making innovations as the motive force to upgrade corporate image and strengthen capital operations .

  5. •正如卡尔•罗杰斯所暗示的那样,诉说能缓解压力,增强动力,提升创造性。

    • as Carl Rogers implies , being listened to releases stress , increases motivation , and expands creativity .

  6. 它是学生参与体育锻炼的自身内部动力,提升学生的运动参与动机有助于推动其运动参与行为。

    It is the students participation in physical exercise its own internal power , promote students ' sport participation motivation contribute to promoting the exercise participation behavior .

  7. 农机购置补贴政策的实行显著增加农业机械总动力,提升农业综合机械化水平,降低农业从业人员比重。

    The implementation of agricultural purchase subsidies significantly increases the total power of agricultural machinery to enhance the level of agricultural mechanization and reduce the proportion of agricultural employees .

  8. 浮空器从周围空气的浮力而不是从空气动力获得提升力的航空器,特指气球或飞船基于褶皱的平流层浮空器升空结构形变模拟

    An aircraft , especially a balloon or dirigible , deriving its lift from the buoyancy of surrounding air rather than from aerodynamic motion . Simulation of near-space airship based on wrinkle during ascent

  9. 新型内动力开启闸门提升箕斗的设计

    New design of skip gate open / close with inner power

  10. 山东半岛城市群建设中的动力机制与提升路径研究

    Study on the Dynamic Mechanism and Promotion Path in the Construction of Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration

  11. 浙中城市群区域一体发展的动力机制及提升路径研究

    On Dynamic Mechanism and Promotion of Development of Regional Integration of Urban Group in the Middle of Zhejiang Province

  12. 制度创新是引领社会发展进步的强大动力,是提升城市发展活力的基本前提和重要保证。

    Institutional innovation is a powerful impetus for social progress as well as the prerequisite and important guarantee for city vitality .

  13. 企业的自主创新能力既是企业自身发展壮大的根本动力,也是提升国家竞争力的重要因素。

    Ability of independent innovation of enterprises is not only the fundamental driving force for business development and expansion of itself , but also an important factor to raise national competitiveness .

  14. 提高区域竞争力的首要条件是提高产业的竞争力,而产业集群是推动工业化的有效动力,是提升区域经济特别是提高企业竞争力的重要产业组织形式。

    The key to enhancing regional competition power is to enhance industrial competition power . Cluster industry is a potent drive for speeding up industrialization . It is a vital organizational form for promoting regional economy , especially for promoting the competition power of enterprises .

  15. 变频闭式液压动力单元在液压提升机械中的应用

    A Variable Frequency Close Hydraulic Power Unit Using in Hydraulic Elevating Mechanism

  16. 目前的全球经济,受到市场动力转变和竞争力提升的影响,品牌所起到的作用就越来越重要了。

    In a global economy that is subject to changing market dynamics and heightened competition , the role of brands has never been greater .

  17. 城市化进程中产生的人口集聚效应是产业结构演变的基本动力,经济水平提升则是产业结构演变的催化剂。

    The population aggregation effect is the basic motivation of the evolution of industrial structure and raise the level of consumption is the key to upgrading the industrial structure .

  18. 中国高等教育发展的新动力:培育和提升大学的核心竞争力&建设世界一流的民族大学的前提性思考

    A New Power of Promoting the Development of Chinese Higher Education : Cultivating and Promoting the Key Competition of Universities : The Premise Thinking of Constructing the First-rank National Universities around the World

  19. 纺织服装出口企业对出口退税的完全依赖,降低了其进行技术创新,研发新产品的动力,未能真正提升我国纺织服装产品在国际市场上的竞争力;(3)出口退税政策变动过于频繁。

    Textile and apparel export enterprises rely on the export tax rebate , losing the driving force of technical innovation and develop new products ; ( 3 ) The adjustment of export tax rebate policy is too frequent .