
  • 网络Endurance Test;Durability Test
  1. 通过参考汽车空调压缩机耐久性测试技术的发展历程,本文设计了基于ISA总线的汽车空调压缩机耐久性试验台中的总线接口转换板。

    According to the development history of the durability testing technology of the automobile air-conditioning compressor , this paper designed the interface adapter of automobile air-conditioning compressor durability test-bed based on ISA bus .

  2. 用于机械防盗锁检测的锁具耐久性测试仪设计

    Design of Lock Durability Tester Used in Mechanical Anti-theft Inspection

  3. 贮藏类家具的强度和耐久性测试原理与方法

    Principle and Method of Testing the Strength and Duration of Storage Furniture

  4. 摩托车点火开关锁疲劳耐久性测试台的研制

    Fatigue Test Bench for Motorcycle Ignition Switch Lock

  5. 阿列纽斯方程与电感镇流器的耐久性测试

    Arrhenius Relationship & EM Ballast Endurance Test

  6. 同时,我们对尺寸为5cm7.5cm电池进行了耐久性测试,在自然光照射条件下表现出良好的稳定性。

    Even when cells are irradiated in the natural light conditions , they show good stability .

  7. 分布式实时车用开关耐久性测试系统研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of the Distributed Embedded Real-time System for the Durability Testing of Auto-Switch

  8. 本研究主要探讨以活性粉混凝土补强混凝土构件及其耐久性能测试。

    In this study , reactive powder concrete ( RPC ) is used to investigate the durability of strengthening concrete members .

  9. 此试验台能够满足汽车电动玻璃升降器的基本性能测试和耐久性能测试,并对测试结果进行储存和打印。

    This test-bed meets the demands of basic performance test and lasting quality test for the riser and the testing results can be stored and printed .

  10. 这种起动机制动的耐久性测试装置结构简单,成本低,且不需要适用的发动机,并可得到与现有测试标准装置同样的检测效果。

    The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and low cost , which needs no applicable engine and can achieve the same testing effect as that of the prior testing device .

  11. 作为一种典型的环境模拟设备,压力波动试验台广泛用于军工、汽车、航天等行业产品的可靠性与耐久性测试。

    Pressure fluctuation test-bed is a typical kind of environment simulation equipment , which is widely used in the test of reliability and durability for the product of military , motors and aviation .

  12. 现场试配后,分别对其施工、物理、力学、耐久性能测试,各项参数均达到了规范要求,并进行了足尺寸板的灌注试验,揭板检查效果良好。

    After respectively field trials with its construction , physics , mechanics , durability test , and the parameters are met specifications , and conducted full size plate perfusion test , the exposing board examination results are good .

  13. 在20世纪头几年内,进行可靠性和耐久性测试,在内燃机汽车之间展开比赛,还和电动或蒸汽汽车进行竞赛的,是汽车车主俱乐部,而不是什么初出茅庐的汽车制造商。

    In the first years of the century , it was clubs of automobile owners rather than any fledgling carmakers that staged reliability and endurance tests , pitting motor cars against each other and against rivals powered by electricity or steam .

  14. 本文介绍了贮藏类家具中不同结构及部位的强度和耐久性的测试原理与方法。

    The article has explored the principle and method of testing the strength and duration of storage furniture with different structure and position .

  15. 该装置具有16通道的高精度信号采集、分析功能和计数容量为100万次的疲劳耐久性及寿命测试功能。

    This device is possessed of the function with 16-channel highly accurate data collection and 100 million-cycle fatigue life count .

  16. 其实验内容包括基本的力学性能测试,干缩,冻融循环和干湿循环等耐久性方面的测试并借助扫描电镜进行微观结构的观察与分析。

    The experiment contents included the basic mechanical properties test , dry shrinkage test , freezing and thawing cycle test and the dry-wet cycle test . Scanning electron microscopic was used to observe and analyze the Micro-structure .

  17. 3.Durability耐久性A:我们为什么要做耐久性测试?

    A : Why do we have to do durability test ?

  18. 论文对各类阀进行了性能测试,设计了耐久性实验控制电路,对各个阀进行了耐久性实验测试研究,并针对部分阀进行了故障分析和改进。

    In this dissertation , the static and dynamic performances are carried out , and design a control circuit of life experiment , and also carried out the life experiment s with all of the water hydraulic valves .

  19. 介绍了耐久型拒水PP/PE热粘合非织造布的生产加工工艺,并对其拒水性能和拒水耐久性进行了测试。

    The article introduced the producing technology of the durable water-repellent PP / PE heat-adhesive nonwoven fabric and tested its property of durable water repellency .