
  • 网络President of Gabon;GabonPresidents;List of heads of state of Gabon
  1. 加蓬总统奥马尔·邦戈是非洲任期最长的国家元首,自从5月份以来一直在西班牙医院,报纸对其处境的报道互相冲突。

    President Omar Bongo , Africa 's longest-serving head of state , has been in a Spanish hospital since May , amid conflicting reports about his condition .

  2. 加蓬总统奥马尔·邦戈·翁丁巴称非洲的资源是可用的,但是与艾滋对非洲大陆的影响力相比仍是不充足的。

    Gabon 's President Ali Bongo Ondimba said that resources available for Africa " remain insufficient given the size of the HIV / Aids impact on the continent " .

  3. 加蓬是总统制的共和政府。

    Gabon is a republic with a presidential form of government .

  4. 加蓬的总统最近宣布除了当前的法语外国家将采用英语作为第二官方语言。

    Gabon 's president recently announced the country will adopt English as a second official language in addition to its current French .

  5. 据法新社报道,正在加蓬访问的法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)将此次大选形容为可怕的新闻。

    Visiting Gabon , Nicolas Sarkozy , France 's president , described the election as dreadful news , according to AFP .

  6. 对于遍布世界各地工作的加蓬商人而言,英语更为有用,加蓬的总统发言人阿兰·克劳德·比列尔·内兹这样说道,他否认这一决定背后的政治动机,表示此举更多是关注商业和教育。

    For Gabonese businessmen working around the world , English is more useful , said Gabon 's presidential spokesman , Alain Claude Bilie By Nze , who denied any political motivation behind the decision and said the move was more about business and education .