
ɡōnɡ nénɡ tuán tǐ
  • functional constituencies
  1. 功能团体所选出的议席数目,大家并没有特别的结论。

    Participants could not come to a conclusion on the number of seats returned by functional constituencies .

  2. 第二届功能团体选举的议员30人,选举委员会选举的议员6人,分区直接选举的议员24人

    Second term Members returned by functional constituencies 30 Members returned by the Election Committee 6 Members returned by geographical constituencies through direct elections 24

  3. 有些嘉宾认为,不应该增加功能团体议席,因为这样与最终达至普选的目标有矛盾。

    Some participants considered that the number of FC seats should not be further increased , as this would contradict the ultimate aim of universal suffrage .

  4. 本文运用群体动力学一般理论将陪审团视为一个功能性团体来研究其评议过程,从新的视角对陪审团审判制度作了深一步地研究。

    This thesis regards the jury as a functional organization , reviewing the deliberation process under the general theory of group dynamic , studying the jury trial from the new perspective .

  5. 科协的联合组织体系及功能&人民团体个案研究

    The Federated Architecture and Intermediation of CAST & A Case Study on People 's Organization

  6. 班级团体凝聚力既是班级存在和发展的重要条件,也是增强班级功能、实现团体目标的重要条件。

    It is the important condition of a class existence and development , as well as the important condition of strengthening class functions and accomplishing class aims .

  7. 是否他们被分类一个自我指示的工作团体、一个计画队、一个特别工作小组或者跨功能的工作团体,大多数的队在一个更加参与式的方法动作超过过去。

    Whether they are labeled a self-directed work group , a project team , a task force or a cross-functional work group , most teams function in a much more participative way than in the past .

  8. 政治共同体由一系列在经济上和功能上不同的团体组成。

    The political community is composed of a number of diverse economic and functional groups .

  9. 该努力还要求来自其他功能区域和指定团体的咨询。

    This effort also will require consultation from the other functional areas and from the Designated Community .

  10. 经济开发,法制先行,是世界上多数国家开发落后地区的成功经验。政治共同体由一系列在经济上和功能上不同的团体组成。

    Legal system advances in the economical development , which is a successful experience to develop backward area in most nations . The political community is composed of a number of diverse economic and functional groups .