
  • 网络Office network
  1. 组建基于WindowsXP的小型办公网络

    Creating Small-sized Office Network Based on Windows XP

  2. 连接到internet,创建家庭或小型办公网络,配置网络设置以便在家工作,或者更改调制解调器、电话和internet设置。

    Connect to the internet , create a home or small office network , configure network settings to work from home , or change modem , phone , and Internet settings .

  3. 基于VPN技术的移动办公网络实现方案

    Implementation of VPN for Moving Business

  4. 但该公司说,攻击仅仅侵入了办公网络,不会导致SIM密钥的大规模失窃。

    But it said that the attacks only breached its office networks and could not have resulted in a massive theft of SIM encryption keys .

  5. 在大众报业网络中,提出了防火墙和AAA协议在报业网络中的联合应用方法,采用挑战握手认证协议和数字证书方式访问机密财务网络区域,经实践表明,增强了报业办公网络平台的可信度。

    Combination Application of Firewall and AAA Protocol in the News Network is put forward . With Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol ( CHAP ) and digital signature , terminal machines access secret network of financing .

  6. 在对MPLS-VPN技术理论进行充分分析的基础上,提出了基于MPLS-VPN技术的移动办公网络平台的设计思路与实施步骤,对贵州省其他领域的电子政务移动办公网络平台建设具有一定的实践意义。

    Based on adequate analysis in theory of the MPLS-VPN technology , it provided design approaches and implementation procedures of mobile office network platform , which would make a practical difference to the construction of other areas of the mobile office network platforms in Guizhou province .

  7. 实现了新闻出版行政管理办公网络化、流程化,提高了工作效率。

    The administration network office for publishing and press is implemented .

  8. 基于短信息平台的高校办公网络的研究

    The Research of University work network Based on Short Message Platform

  9. 园区各个部门都可以通过办公网络实现声像档案信息的共享和利用。

    Each department can realize sharing and utilization of audio-visual archives information .

  10. 女:来自办公网络的最新订单非常贵。

    Woman : This latest order from Office Network is very expensive .

  11. 行政机关办公网络信息系统设计

    The design of office network information system in a bureaucracy

  12. 机关事业单位办公网络的安全策略

    Network safety countermeasures of governmental departments and society organization offices

  13. 消防办公网络安全需求分析及对策

    The analysis of fire control office network security requirement and security policy

  14. 家庭网络与办公网络有何不同?

    How is a network at home different from one at work ?

  15. 设置或更改您的家庭或小型办公网络

    Set up or change your home or small office network

  16. 广州地铁办公网络现状分析及优化设计

    Analysis of the Actual Office Network of Guangzhou Metro

  17. 帮助您安装家庭或小型办公网络。

    Helps you set up a network for your home or small office .

  18. 电子邮件在办公网络中应用的优势

    Advantage used E - mail in Office Net

  19. 办公网络中防火墙的应用探讨

    The Research of Firewall Application in Office Network

  20. 还受困于琐碎的日常办公网络系统维护工作吗?

    Are you still suffering from the routine and trifling office network system maintenance ?

  21. 出版业务办公网络化的实现

    The Realization of Press Office Business in Network

  22. 跨世纪的追求&二十一世纪全电脑办公网络已经开发成功。

    A trans-century 's pursuit & the 21st century computerized office network has Been developed successfully .

  23. 还在为建设、维护办公网络系统的昂贵费用大伤脑筋吗?

    Are you still worrying about the high expenses of building & maintaining office network system ?

  24. 在出现的下一个菜单上,单击安装家庭或小型办公网络。

    On the next menu that appears , click Set up home or small office networking .

  25. 随着事业单位办公网络的建立,其日常管理工作中产生的数据、信息不断增长。

    Along with the establishment of the office network , the daily management of data and information .

  26. 利用蓝牙技术,在贵州省纳雍发电厂构建了一个无线办公网络自动化平台。

    A wireless office automation platform using bluetooth technology is constructed in Nayong power plant , Guizhou province .

  27. 您的用户帐户没有足够权限,无法安装家庭或小型办公网络。

    Your user account does not have adequate permissions to set up a home or small office network .

  28. 在分析办公网络特点的基础上,讨论了电子邮件在办公网络中应用的优势。

    The advantage of E - mail in office net is discussed based on analysis of office net feature .

  29. 以小型办公网络为例,设计了实验方案,对文中提出的模型进行了仿真,验证了该模型的可行性和有效性。

    Take the small office network for example to simulate , prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the model proposed .

  30. 电子政务的目的是利用现代的信息技术实现政府办公网络化、自动化、无纸化,打破政府各部门之间的隔阂,提高政府部门的效率,促进相互协作,最终提供给公众便利的服务。

    The goal of E-government is to make use of modern information technology to improve the efficiency of the government departments .