
  1. 力拓案今日宣判四被告或判有期徒刑预计上海一家法院将宣判澳大利亚公民胡士泰及力拓股份有限公司(RioTintoLtd.)其余三名经理人涉嫌窃取商业秘密和收受贿赂一案。

    Shanghai Court to Issue Rio Tinto Verdicts SHANGHAI ( Dow Jones ) -- A Shanghai court is expected to issue verdicts for Australian national Stern Hu and three other Rio Tinto Ltd. executives on charges of commercial spying and bribe-taking ,

  2. 在力拓案中,他们毫不犹豫的选择了逮捕。

    In the Rio case , they went ahead with the arrests .

  3. 力拓案引起了在华经商的跨国企业的巨大反响。

    The Rio Tinto case has huge ramifications for multinationals doing business in China .

  4. 是否还有其他与力拓案有关的外国铁矿石企业也在接受调查?

    Are there any foreign iron ore enterprises related to Rio Tinto case under investigation ?

  5. 关于力拓案,中国有关部门正在依法进行调查。

    On the Rio Tinto case , competent authorities in China are conducting investigations according to law .

  6. 力拓案中的某位官员就回忆称,中国的银行办事真是杂乱无章,他都被吓到了。

    Someone involved in the Rio deal recalls meeting a bank in China and being staggered by their indiscipline .

  7. 好几个和力拓案无关的律师向我解释明白了警方的工作方式。

    A number of lawyers who have nothing to do with the Rio case explained to me how it works .

  8. 上周力拓案的有罪判决并没有给外国公司带来任何启示。它们担忧,可能会发现自己也违反了中国定义不明确的保密法。

    Last week 's guilty verdict has brought no illumination for foreign companies worried that they too could find themselves violating ill-defined Chinese secrecy laws , writes William MacNamara .

  9. 在力拓案开庭审理的前夕,力拓宣布允许中国铝业公司直接分享在非洲的铁矿石生产,交易规模达13.5亿美元。

    On the eve of the trial , Rio Tinto announced a $ 1.35 billion deal allowing Chinalco to directly share in the production of iron ore in Africa .

  10. 澳大利亚外交部长史密斯对澳大利亚政府近几个月没能在幕后就力拓案更彻底地与中国政府接触表示遗憾。

    Mr. Smith , the Australian foreign minister , expressed regret Canberra wasn 't able to engage more fully behind the scenes with Beijing on the charges in recent months . '

  11. 陶武平走进上海第一中级人民法院,他是力拓案其中一被告的辩护律师力拓案一周前开庭,受到密切关注。按计划,上海第一中级人民法院一个由三名法官组成的合议庭将在周一下午宣布罪名和判决。

    The verdict and sentencing in the closely watched Rio Tinto trial , which started a week ago , was due at midafternoon on Monday from a three-judge panel at Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People 's Court .

  12. 上述文章出现在中国国家秘密监督部门的官方杂志上,作者是该部门的前任官员之一。该文称,力拓案只是外国商贸谍战的冰山一角。

    The article which said the Rio case was just the tip of the iceberg in foreign commercial espionage appeared in the official magazine of China 's state secrets watchdog and was written by one of its former officials .

  13. 中国加大力拓间谍案调查力度。

    China widens probe of steel industry .

  14. 从本质上讲,力拓一案相关人员分别获刑7至14年是一场政治审判。

    The Rio trial , which ended with sentences of between seven and 14 years , was intrinsically a political trial .

  15. 受英澳矿业企业力拓(RioTinto)四名员工因涉嫌受贿和侵犯商业秘密而受审的影响,在华外国企业正受到密切关注。力拓案预计将于本周一宣判。

    Foreign businesses in China are coming under heavy scrutiny as a result of the bribery and commercial secrets trial of four employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner , with a verdict expected on Monday .