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  1. 在颧弓表面前行者23支(占8.0%),越颧弓下缘处距颧弓后端(2.47±0.81)cm;

    23 ( 8.0 % ) branches advanced on the superficial part of the zygomatic arch and on the inferior border of the arch there was a distance of 2.47 ± 0.81 cm toward its posterior parts ;

  2. 在颧弓下方前行者131支(占45.8%),出腮腺处与颧弓下缘间的垂直距离为(0.69±0.20)cm。

    The remained 131 ( 45.8 % ) branches went ahead under the zygomatic arch and the vertical distance between the point where they pass through the parotid gland and the inferior border of the zygomatic arch was about 0.69 ± 0.20 cm .

  3. 本次旅途中若有队员无力继续随队前行者可自行乘车返回。

    Those who are unable to continue the trip may go back by bus or train anytime they want .

  4. 看到公路上行驶的运输车辆,才觉得我们这列火车在这人烟罕至的高原荒漠上并不是孤独的前行者!

    Vehicles running on it make us realize that we this train is not a lonely " passenger " in this lifeless highland desert .

  5. 鲜花和掌声从来不会赐予好逸恶劳者,而只会馈赠给那些风雨兼程的前行者;

    Flowers and applause from those who have never given to despise labor , and only a gift to those trials and hardships of the former Walker ;

  6. 印第安娜步行者的官方没有什么评论,但是前步行者的球员说他知道阿泰斯特将要被交换到哪里。

    Indianapolis Star - Indiana Pacers officials aren 't talking , but a former Pacer thinks he knows where Ron Artest will be traded .