
  • 网络ForeColor;foreground color;Foreground;color
  1. 除此之外,你当然可以改变前景色和背景色,这也支持透明。

    Besides that , you can of course change ForeColor and BackColor , which also support transparency .

  2. 前景色采用深压浅,因为背景色尚不确定。

    The foreground color spreads because the background color is indeterminate .

  3. 纹理层填充前景色选择。

    Fill the selection with the Foreground color on texture layer .

  4. 单击布局工具栏中的“前景色”按钮。

    From the layout toolbar , click the foreground color button .

  5. 设置控制台的默认前景色和背景色。

    COLOR Sets the default console foreground and background colors .

  6. 它代表父行的前景色。

    That represents the foreground color of parent rows .

  7. 获取跟踪条的前景色。

    Gets the foreground color of the track bar .

  8. 确认你的前景色是白色,背景色是黑色。

    Make sure you foreground color is white and your background color is black .

  9. 返回或设置单个单元格或某些区域中多个单元格的前景色。

    Returns or sets the foreground color of individual cells or ranges of cells .

  10. 在选中行或单元格时,这是前景色。

    When a row or cell is selected , this is the foreground color .

  11. 默认前景色是黑色。

    The default foreground color is black .

  12. 设置桌面图标标题的前景色,其实就是文字颜色。

    Set desktop icon text foreground color .

  13. 前景色和背景色不补漏白因为他们都是尚不确定的颜色。

    The foreground and background colors do not trap because they are both indeterminate colors .

  14. 前景色根据其应用的自定义补漏白设置对所有的背景色进行了挖空处理。

    The foreground color knocks out all background colors according to the custom trap setting applied to it .

  15. 让我们为我们的插件添加功能指定前景色和背景色的功能。

    Let 's add support to our hilight plugin for specifying the foreground and background colors to use .

  16. 一个能观看美景的露台。设置控制台的默认前景色和背景色。

    A gazebo sited to command a fine view . COLOR Sets the default console foreground and background colors .

  17. 可以为每个文本元素类型设置“项目前景色”、“项目背景色”和“粗体”选项。

    Item foreground , item background , and bold options can be set for each type of text element .

  18. 若要查看字体颜色的有效值,请单击“报表格式”工具栏上的“前景色”按钮。

    To see valid values for font color , click the foreground color button on the report format toolbar .

  19. 在“显示项”中选择合适的项,然后修改“项目前景色”和“项目背景色”选项。

    Select the appropriate item in display items , and then modify the item foreground and item background options .

  20. 注意这个表达式和其值的前景色变成红色,以提醒你它被改变了。

    Notice that the font colour of this expression and value turns red to alert you that it has changed .

  21. 前景色对这种背景色进行深压浅处理是因为前景色较浅(即亮度更高)。

    The foreground color spreads into this background color because the foreground color is lighter ( has a higher luminance ) .

  22. 在这个新的样式范围中,我们保留前景色和背景色不变,但是把字体样式设为粗体。

    In these new style ranges , we leave the foreground and background colors unchanged but set the font style to bold .

  23. 这个进度条包括很多可定制属性,包括背景色,前景色和方向。

    Customizable Progress Bar - This progress bar includes a number of customizable properties , including back and fore color , and orientation .

  24. 请确保图像的前景色和背景色能够为视力较差的用户提供足够强的对比度,并可以用于黑白屏幕。

    Be sure that foreground and background colors for images provide sufficient contrast for low-vision users and for use with black and white screens .

  25. 若要使用图案,请单击“图案”选项卡,选择所需图案,再选择前景色和背景色,然后单击“确定”。

    To use a pattern , click the pattern tab , select the pattern you want , select foreground and background colors , then click ok .

  26. 选择渐变工具,保持默认颜色(黑色为前景色,白色为背景色),你可以简单的点击工具栏上面的小图标快速设置。

    Now select Gradient Tool from the layer palette , make sure that default colors are selected ( black and white you can activate them simply by pressing D on your keyboard ) .

  27. 那毕竟是三、四十年前的景色了。

    That is , after all three , forty years ago the landscape was .