
zhì lěnɡ shè bèi
  • Refrigeration equipment;refrigeration facility
  1. 本设备的推出,将换热水循环制冷设备的技术水平推向了一个新的高度。

    With a combination of high-tech , new technology , and new concept , this product pushed the heat exchange circulating water refrigeration facility engineering to a higher level .

  2. TiO2的光催化机理及在制冷设备中的消毒、杀菌作用

    TiO_2 Photocatalysis and its Effect of Sterilizing and Killing Bacterium in Low Temperature Equipment

  3. 怎样从BRIM中得到更多的制冷设备?

    How to get more the refrigeration for BRIM ?

  4. 并应用SAM模型对我国某制冷设备工业公司的发展战略进行了分析评价,为决策者进行战略选择与决策提供了科学依据。

    And applied SAM to make a evaluation of the future development strategy for the company . Obviously , EVA model turns out a scientific appraisals to motivate the managers .

  5. 若改变原制冷设备使之与液化石油气相匹配,则以液化石油气为制冷剂时,制冷循环的性能要优于R22。

    Change original refrigeration equipment make it with LPG phase match , while regarding LPG as the refrigerant , the performance of refrigeration circulation should be superior to R22 .

  6. 超导腔的BCS表面电阻是温度的指数函数,降低超导腔工作温度可以减少超导腔的射频功率损失,但同时制冷设备的效率也会急剧降低。

    Due to the exponential dependence of the BCS surface resistance with temperature , reducing the operating temperature of SRF cavity will result in lower radio-frequency loss for the cavity , but the effi-ciency of the cryogenic plant reduces drastically too .

  7. 制冷设备中铜管的连接工艺

    The connecting technology of the copper pipes in the refrigeration plant

  8. 离心式压缩机,用于大型制冷设备(移动式压缩机除外)

    Centrifugal compressor for large refrigeration units ( excl. mobile compressors )

  9. 制冷设备的单片微型机控制系统

    A Control System for Refrigerator with a Single Chip Microcomputer

  10. 小型制冷设备低压启动探析

    Investigation and Analysis on Low-voltage Starting of Small Refrigeration Equipment

  11. 空调制冷设备的管理与安全技术

    Management and safety technique in operation of air conditioning systems

  12. 从事温室生产时,制冷设备用途很广。

    Every greenhouse operation can use refrigeration facilities'in many ways .

  13. 蒸发机械,工业或实验室用(不包括制冷设备的蒸发器)

    Evaporating machinery , industrial or laboratory ( excl. evaporators for refrigerating equipment )

  14. 一种喷射制冷设备的分析与展望

    Analysis and Prospect of a new sparge refrigerating plant

  15. 关于冷冻冷藏技术及制冷设备的探讨

    Discussion on Freezing / Cold Technique and Refrigerating Equipments

  16. 制冷设备空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范

    Code for construction and acceptance of refrigeration and air separating equipment installation engineering

  17. 氨制冷设备放油操作程序的改进

    The Improvement of the Operating Procedure for Oil Drain from Ammonia Refrigerating Equipment

  18. 国内制冷设备生产企业基本处于同质化竞争;

    The domestic refrigeration equipments manufacturer are go in a same quality competition .

  19. 回收空调制冷设备凝结水的节能研究

    Saving Energy of Recovery of Condensation Water Energy in Air Conditioner and Cooler

  20. 制冷设备中进行能效比区域划分的初步探讨

    Research on regional division for EER in refrigeration equipment

  21. 制冷设备给人们带来便利的同时,也带来了能源问题和环境问题。

    The energy and environmental problems the equipments brought with are gradually shown .

  22. 计算机辅助制冷设备材料消耗定额管理软件的研究

    Study of Computer Aided Material Consumption Quota Management System

  23. 医院制冷设备中,空调器占据相当的比重。

    Air conditioners account for a considerable proportion in refrigeration equipment in hospitals .

  24. 暖通制冷设备选型与方案的技术经济评价

    Technic - economical Evaluation of Modelling and Scheme of Heating Ventilating and Cooling Equipments

  25. 氯气液化制冷设备的选型

    Selection of refrigeration equipment for chlorine liquefaction

  26. 制冷设备在线自动质量检测系统

    Automatic Quality Examination System of Refrigeration Device

  27. 我公司是意大利卡士妥的中国分部,主营制冷设备配件的批量进口,欢迎垂询。

    We are China branch of Castel Italy , expert in the field of refrigeration .

  28. 制冷设备在玉米深加工上的应用

    Deeping Machining Corn by The Refrigerating Apparatus

  29. 考虑冷凝器等不可逆因素的制冷设备的优化分析

    An Optimization Analysis of a Vapor Compression Refrigeration Plant Including the Irreversibility of the Condenser

  30. 制冷设备中钎焊质量的控制

    Braze quality control in refrigerating equipment