
  • 网络Interest Group;constituencies
  1. 这种行业体育是打破政治整合形成的新机制,也是中国体育社会结构所产生的一种新的利益群体。

    This form sports is the new mechanism and the new interest group .

  2. 中国社会现阶段利益群体研究

    The Research on the Nowadays Interest Group of Society in the Chinese Society

  3. 研究表明,工会与其他利益群体以及工会内部的博弈对改革模式的选择有重要影响,工会的强大、一致性以及老年人的参与有利于保留DB模式;

    It is shown that the pension reform 's path choice have great connection with game results between the trade unions and other interest groups .

  4. 从社会的利益群体论卫生服务的公平性

    Discussion on Equity of Health Service from Benefit Groups of Society

  5. 这是一个关系着每一个利益群体利益得失的复杂问题。

    That is a complicated problem which relates each interests group .

  6. 城市利益群体新旧观念的碰撞

    The Collision of New and Old Ideas in Urban Interest Groups

  7. 二是对利益群体的研究和分析;

    Secondly , the research and analysis to the benefit colony ;

  8. 协调利益群体关系构建和谐社会

    Coordinating the Relationship between Interest Groups to Build a Harmonious Society

  9. 农民是我国最大的社会阶层和利益群体。

    Farmers is the largest social strata and interest groups .

  10. 利益群体的分化与和谐社会的构建

    Differentiation of Interest Colony and Construction of a Harmonious Society

  11. 城市社会变迁:社区分化与利益群体分化

    Change of Urban Society : Community Differentiation and Differentiation of Interest Colony

  12. 服务区的规划、设计和运行涉及到许多利益群体和合作伙伴。

    Rest area planning , design and operation involve many stakeholders and partners .

  13. 这两种想法都受到了相关利益群体的强烈谴责。

    Both ideas were fiercely condemned by interest groups .

  14. 不同利益群体间,满意度随价格的变化规律存在差异。

    Different interest groups have different satisfaction change law while the price changes .

  15. 复杂适应系统中的利益群体博弈&以公共组织系统为例

    Interest group game in complex system & public organization system as an example

  16. 改革开放以后,我国社会的利益群体开始流动,并且流动在不断地加速。

    But after the Reform , the IGS began to flow and accelerate .

  17. 当代中国社会各利益群体分析

    An Analysis on Interest Groups in Contemporary China

  18. 这就是利益群体现象。

    This is the phenomenon of interest groups .

  19. 农村利益群体的演变及行为方式

    Evolution of Village Factions and Their Interest Action

  20. 股东和债权人是与公司密切相关的两类利益群体。

    The shareholders and creditors are two interests groups closely related to a company .

  21. 当前中国社会的四个利益群体

    The Four Main Social Groups in Contemporary China

  22. 订单农业中不同利益群体决策行为的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Decision-making Behavior of Various Stakeholders in Order-based Agricultural Production

  23. 电网建设外部环境中主要利益群体特征分析

    Characteristics of the Major Interest Groups in the External Environment of Power Grid Construction

  24. 但是,欧洲大学的未来,终究不应该丧失在这些利益群体手里。

    The future of Europe 's universities should not be sacrificed to these interests .

  25. 本文分析了利益群体博弈所具有的非均衡性特征及其形成原因。

    The paper analyzes the unbalanced characteristics of interest groups gaming and its causes .

  26. 妥善处理不同利益群体关系缩小贫富差距

    Effective Ways to Narrow the Wealth Gap

  27. 这些不同的社会阶层和利益群体即使在同一问题上的认识也不尽一致。

    Those social classes and benefit groups have different opinions on ever the same problem .

  28. 它也不用特殊利益群体施舍。

    It doesn 't include special-interest bailouts .

  29. 后农业税时代乡村干部利益群体的再生产

    The Reproduction of " Grass-roots Cadres Interest Group " after the Abolition of Agricultural Tax

  30. 教育政策背后反映的是各个不同利益群体之间的博弈。

    The education policy reflects the game played among different interest groups in the country .