
Start-up visas are an easy political sell , which also explains Canada 's latest gamble .
If it did not , he and his partner said they might consider the Canadian visa .
In a bid to create their own versions of Silicon Valley , Britain and Australia have dangled start-up visas like this too .
The total number of entrepreneur visas rose 87 per cent to 973 in 2012-13 , up from 520 in 2011-12 and 293 the year before .
Even though his girlfriend , who is Australian , has tried to persuade him to apply for her country 's start-up visa , he has resisted .
Canada 's new so-called start-up visa offers them the prospect of permanent residency and with it , the country 's relatively low business taxes and public health insurance .
He cites plans for a start-up visa – a bill that , if passed , would give foreign entrepreneurs a work permit in return for investing in the US .
The visas allow holders to start a UK business and earn fast-track citizenship .
Entrepreneur visas allow foreign nationals to gain UK citizenship if their business fulfils criteria on access to funding , job creation or other measures of success .
Britain proved to be a growing attraction for business investors from China last year , with the number of entrepreneur visas issued to Chinese nationals more than doubling to 116 .
You don 't need an entrepreneur visa to have entrepreneurs , she added . You would have to let in a lot of people before you guarantee some Sergey Brins .
Other observers said one reason for the increase was last year 's closure of a visa scheme that allowed international students to stay on and work in the UK after their course had finished .
Ms Turner said the visas were popular because Britain was one of the fastest-growing economies , with an annualised growth rate of more than 3 per cent , making it an attractive place to start a business .