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qiè chǐ
  • gnash;gnash one's teeth


qiē chǐ
  • gear cutting
切齿 [qiè chǐ]
  • [gnash one's teeth] 上下牙齿紧紧地咬住,表示极端愤怒

  • 切齿付心。--《战国策.燕策》

  • 摧肝切齿。--《广东军务记》

  • 切齿怒斥负心郎

切齿[qiē chǐ]
切齿[qiè chǐ]
  1. 他们嗤笑,又切齿说,我们吞灭她。这真是我们所盼望的日子临到了。

    All thine enemies have opened their mouth against thee : they hiss and gnash the teeth : they say , We have swallowed her up : certainly this is the day that we looked for ; we have found , we have seen it .

  2. 这台车床(铣床、镗床、磨床、钻床、切齿机、刨床)是我们国内制造的。

    This lathe ( milling , boring , grinding , drilling , gear cutting , planer ) machine is of home manufacture .

  3. 螺旋伞齿轮切齿计算的BASIC程序设计

    BASIC Programing for Gears cutting of Spiral Bevel Gears

  4. 基于UG的剃前滚刀切齿加工仿真

    Machining Simulation of Preshaving Hob Based on UG

  5. 弧齿锥齿轮的TCA分析及切齿试验

    Spiral bevel gear 's TCA analysis and tooth machining experiment

  6. 数控铣齿机上切齿模型建立及TCA分析

    Establishment of Tooth-cutting Model on NC Machine Tool and Tooth Contact Analysis

  7. 介绍了一种基于Free-form型机床切齿加工理论的点啮合齿面制造技术。

    A point-contact tooth surface manufacturing technology based on the generating theory of the free-form machine was introduced .

  8. Free-form型机床的切齿优化(一)&优化模型的建立

    An Optimal Synthesis for Free-form Style Machine Tool Setting Parameters - Part 1 : Establishing the Optimal Model

  9. 本文导出了任意齿廓的斜齿轮公法线长度W关于切齿深ξ的变化率的一个关系式。

    In this paper the author derived the equation for the rate of change in common normal length W with dent depth ξ, available for any helical gear tooth profiles .

  10. 基于ACIS齿轮切齿仿真系统的软件设计

    The design of the simulation software of the gear manufacturing based on the ACIS

  11. 根据此计算方法分别对传统的刀倾型和Free-Form型铣齿机加工的螺旋锥齿轮,提出了严格控制切齿深度的有效方法。

    Based on the theory , algorithms for strict control of dedendum of hypoid gears machined for both cutter tilt and free form milling machines have been developed .

  12. 利用准双曲面齿轮虚节锥设计方法,设计出两种可采用HFT切齿法加工的大速比准双曲面齿轮副(齿数比分别为3/37和4/37);

    By using the void pitch cone method , the hypoid gears of high speed ratio ( tooth number ratio : 3 / 37and 4 / 37 ) machined by HFT method were designed .

  13. H1-003铣齿机数控化改造设计全数控锥齿轮铣齿机运动控制方法及切齿实验研究

    Design and Reform in Bevel Gear Cutting Machine H1-003 ; Research on the Kinematic Control Method of CNC Hypoid Cutting Machine and the Cutting Experiments

  14. 该系统可完成SGM、SFM、SGT、SFT、HGM、HFM、HGT、HFT切齿法的齿坯几何参数、切齿调整参数、轮齿接触分析、磨齿调整参数和根切检验等计算。

    The system can perform the computations such as blank dimensions , cutting and grinding settings , tooth contact analysis and under cut check of SGM , SFM , SGT , SFT , HGM , HFM , HGT , HFT cutting methods .

  15. 诸如TAN-A9这样的单刀倾切齿机床过去仅用于加工等高齿弧齿锥齿轮和准双曲线齿轮。

    The gear cutting machines with single tilt mechanism , such as the TAN-A9 machine , are intended only for cutting the spiral bevel and hypoid gears with teeth of constant depth .

  16. 硬齿面切齿加工的齿形误差分析

    Analysis of Gear Shape Error in Cutting Hardened Gear Surface

  17. 阐明了螺旋锥齿轮切齿计算原理。

    The tooth cutting calculation principle was clarified . 3 .

  18. 锥齿轮切齿仿真方法及其软件系统研究

    Study on Cutting Process Simulation of Bevel Gears and the Software Development

  19. 滚上其馀的齿都是粗切齿。

    Hob on the rest of the cutter tooth is thick teeth .

  20. 锯链链环切齿链片参数的检测研究

    Research on Ring Saw Chain Cutter Link Parameter Testing Method

  21. 直齿锥齿轮切齿机模板设计及其数控化的探讨

    Design of the Straight Bevel Gear Cutting Template and Its Digital Control

  22. 大直径圆弧齿轮切齿深度的测量

    Measurement of Hobbing Depth of Large Diameter Circular-arc Gears

  23. 突端刀具的切齿研究及小轮齿根应力分析

    Tooth-cutting Research of Cutter with Top-Rem Profile Blade and Stress Analysis of Pinion

  24. 公法线长度与切齿深之间的一个普遍关系式

    The relation between common normal length and dent depth

  25. 基于实际切齿方法的弧齿锥齿轮三维造型

    3D CAD Model of Gleason Spiral Bevel Gear Based on Actual Cutting Process

  26. 新构形齿轮精加工刀具半径对切齿干涉的影响

    Influence of new Gear Finishing Hob ′ s Radius upon Gear Cutting Interference

  27. 弧齿锥齿轮切齿机摇台摆角的计算方法

    Computation Method on Swinging Angle of Cage Chair of Spiral Bevel Gear Cutter

  28. 圆弧齿轮切齿深度的控制

    The Control of Gear Cutting Depth of Circular Gear

  29. 圆弧齿线双圆弧齿轮的切齿试验研究

    TESTING Cutting Studies on Circular Arc Tooth Trace Gear with Double Arc Flank Profile

  30. 滚切齿数大于100的质数斜齿圆柱齿轮

    Hobbing Cylindric Helical Gear Whose Teeth are More than a Hundred and Prime Number