
fēn yè
  • paging
分页[fēn yè]
  1. 海量数据分页机制在Web信息系统中的应用研究

    Application and study of massive-scale data paging mechanism in Web information system

  2. man命令通过一个分页程序将输出分页到显示中。

    The man command pages output onto your display using a paging program .

  3. p#分页标题#e#在希腊,并不是所有死去的人都会被埋葬的。

    In Greece , people aren 't always buried .

  4. 他不知道自己是否还能再忍受这可怕的孤独了。#p#分页标题#e#

    He didn 't know whether he could endure the awful loneliness any more .

  5. 他出去度假了,把我留在家里,我得一个人待两个星期。#p#分页标题#e#

    He went on holiday and left me in the house alone for 2 weeks .

  6. 然后那女孩笑了笑,转身走进了树林。#p#分页标题#e#

    Then a smile came across the girl 's face as she turned and walked back into the woods .

  7. p#分页标题#e#小王子到了地球上感到非常奇怪,他一个人也没有看到,他正担心自己跑错了星球。

    When the little prince arrived on the Earth , he was very much surprised not to see any people .

  8. 因为地震之后会有余震,所以我决定开车到内华达州的拉斯韦加斯,到我朋友那住几天。#p#分页标题#e#

    Since aftershocks follow the larger earthquakes I decided8 to drive to Las Vegas , Nevada to visit a friend for a few days .

  9. 随后我们走过起居室来到拐角处准备上楼,这时所有人都被眼前的景象惊呆了…#p#分页标题#e#

    Then we rounded the corner from the old living room to go upstairs , and each of us stopped dead in our tracks ....

  10. p#分页标题#e#九点到十一点,他打算挖一个洞,或者一条小沟也行,没准儿还能从脏土里翻出什么好吃的呢。

    From nine to eleven he planned to dig a hole , or trench10 , and possibly find something good to eat buried in the dirt .

  11. 查询分页技术在Web应用中是一种通用的技术。

    Pagination technology is a common technology in web application .

  12. WEB跨行分页显示的设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of span and pagination of web pages

  13. B/S模式下分页显示的研究和总结

    B / S Pagination and Display Sites Display Research and Summarizing

  14. 基于存储过程分页优化Web数据查询性能

    Performance - Optimizing of Querying Web Data Based on Paging in Stored Procedure

  15. Web数据库分页浏览方法性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Web Database Paging Browse Methods

  16. 例如,分页实用程序less定义了几个有用的环境变量

    For example , the pager utility less defines a number of useful environment variables

  17. Web页面数据的分页技术分析

    Analyze on Data Pagination on Web Page

  18. Web应用程序中分页方法的实现

    Realization of Paging for Web Application

  19. less分页器包含多个命令,可以帮助您在显示的输出中搜索字符串。

    The less pager has several commands that help you search for strings within the displayed output .

  20. 利用ASP分页浏览基于Web的光盘数据库

    Paged Browse Web Based on Optical Disk Database with ASP

  21. less允许您对结果进行分页并将列表保存在文件指定页中。

    Less allows you to page through the results and saves the list in the file named pages .

  22. 一种松耦合高复用MVC模式的Web分页实现

    Loosely coupled and reusable MVC model Web paging design

  23. 改变了以转换的HTML格式和分页。

    The conversion to HTML has altered the pagination and format .

  24. 基于QuickSorting的快速分页排序算法

    Quick Page Sorting Algorithm Based on Quick Sorting

  25. SAN引导支持、转储设备和分页支持

    SAN boot support , dump device and paging support

  26. 您还使用JavaScript实现了个性化视图的分页功能。

    You also used JavaScript to support pagination for this personalized view .

  27. 一种用PHP实现的动态分页技术

    A Technique of Dynamic Disjoining Web Pages Using PHP

  28. 使用skip和limit分页结果

    Paging results using skip and limit

  29. 解决方案是检查是否有足够的分页空间,以及在安装WebSphereApplicationServer时是否启用了安全性。

    The solution is to check that there is sufficient paging space available and if the security was enabled during WebSphere Application Server installation .

  30. 这些Web环境并没有Domino视图中的分页、分类或搜索功能。

    These Web environments don 't have the extensive paging , categorizing , or searching support of Domino views .