
  • 网络Taxon;category;taxonomic category
  1. 河南荨麻科(Urticaceae)一些类群的订正它不属于正规植物分类学的分类阶元的范畴。

    Revision of some taxa of Urticaceae from Henan It falls outside the scope of the formal taxonomic categories .

  2. 它不属于正规植物分类学的分类阶元的范畴。

    It falls outside the scope of the formal taxonomic categories .

  3. 提示BDNF基因可以应用到目及目以下分类阶元间的系统发生研究中。

    This suggests BDNF an appropriate candidate in the phylogenetic reconstruction at order or lower level .

  4. 植物DNA序列由于进化速率上的差异而适用于不同分类阶元的系统发育研究,因此,针对某一特定的系统学问题选择相应合适的分子片段是分子系统学研究中最为关键的一步。

    DNA sequences , because of their disparity in the rate of evolution , are suitable for phylogenetic study at different taxonomic levels . It is , therefore , the most significant process to select an appropriate DNA region to address a certain phylogenetic issues .

  5. 以13个物种Myostatin3-′UTR构建的分子进化树表明,3′UTR能够为动物进化提供一定信息,但适用于较低分类阶元。

    The phylogenetic tree constructed by 3 ′ - UTR of Myostatin genes in these 13 species shows that 3 ′ - UTR sequence can offer certain information for animal 's evolution .

  6. 12SRRNA基因由于其分布的普遍性、序列和结构的保守性以及进化速率镶嵌性而被广泛应用于不同分类阶元层次上的分子系统学研究。

    Mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal RNA ( 12S rRNA ) gene has been used for phylogenetic analyses of a wide range of species and divergence levels for their universal occurrence , sequence and structure conservation and abundance .

  7. C-mos是一种单拷贝、无内元的核基因,全长约1kb,便于从基因组中扩增并测序,可度量中等分类阶元的亲缘关系,目前主要应用于爬行类和鸟类的系统发生研究中。

    We introduced here a nuclear gene c-mos . This is a kind of single copy nuclear gene with no introns , totally 1 kb or so . It is now mainly applied in the phylogenetic studies of reptiles and avians .

  8. 天牛科昆虫高级分类阶元实体的进化研究(英文)

    The evolution in the higher taxa of the Cerambycidae ( coleoptera )

  9. 只有先对有机体进行命名并把它们归类成可以认识的分类阶元。

    It is only by first naming organisms and then grouping them in recognizable categories .

  10. 侏罗-白垩纪非海相双壳类新分类阶元

    New taxa of jura-cretaceous non-marine bivalves

  11. 研究表明由于鳞片表皮结构特征在高级分类阶元中具有保守性,因而可以提供有用的系统演化信息。

    Characteristics of the epidermis provide valuable phylogenetic information because they are often relatively conservative at high taxonomic levels .

  12. 我们选择四个类群,从不同的分类阶元来研究其分子系统发育和估算分化时间。

    We chose four groups , from different levels , to investigate the molecular phylogeny and divergence time estimates .

  13. 迄今,蝗科内各分类阶元之间的系统发生关系大部分是未知的。

    The phylogenetic relationships among all taxa within the Acrididae ( Orthoptera : Acridoidea ) were largely unknown until now .

  14. 并以他那别具一格的嗓音而闻名。只有先对有机体进行命名并把它们归类成可以认识的分类阶元。

    And was also know for his distinctive voice . It is only by first naming organisms and then grouping them in recognizable categories .

  15. 虽然鸡油菌类真菌又与各肉质的伞菌类群的关系相对较密切,但它应该有其相对独立的进化路线,将这一类真菌上升至目一级的分类阶元是比较恰当的;

    The cantharelloid fungi appear comparatively closely related with the true agarics , but they seem to have a relatively separated evolutionary line among them ;

  16. 从分类阶元、寄主植物和寄生部位等角度系统研究了新疆蚜虫类昆虫的物种多样性,共发现蚜虫5科58属199种,寄主植物55科192属。

    These results show : 1 . The paper reviews the species diversity of aphids in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from aphid taxa , host plants and infesting locations .

  17. 即由原生动物某一分类阶元来检索其下面所属的所有原生动物物种的相关信息。(3)单一特征检索和组合特征检索。

    Relevant information of all protozoa species belonged to one classification could be founded through classification name . ( 3 ) A single characteristic searching and integrated characteristic searching .

  18. 通过对5种非人灵长类定型花纹分布频率聚类,结果提示,肤纹类型和分布频率在灵长类不同分类阶元中有一定差异,是判别种间形态特征的依据之一。

    Clustering the true pattern percentile frequencies of the five species of primates , the result conveyed that the print patterns and percentile frequencies were different in primates ' different classification , it 's one of the criterions to judge the morphological characteristics among different species .

  19. 研究了昆虫的数学形态特征在目级昆虫分类阶元上作为分类特征的可行性、可靠性和重要性,以及3个目的亲缘关系远近。

    The objective of this research is to study the feasibility , reliability and importance of the math-morphological features ( MMF ) used as taxonomic features of taxonomic category which means classifying insects by order , as well as the distance of the kinship among the 3 orders .

  20. 本文系统综述了两者在不同分类水平(高级阶元、低级阶元)上的系统发育关系研究。

    In this article we reviewed the advances in phylogenetic relationships between aphids and Buchnera at different taxonomic levels ( from higher to lower ) .

  21. 系统既可以从分类较高阶元信息检索分类较低阶元的信息,也可以从分类较低阶元信息检索分类较高阶元的信息。

    Searching process could be from higher to lower classification element , or the adverse direction .

  22. 分类结果与传统形态分类结果基本一致,因而认为数值分类能比较客观地反映医学革螨各分类阶元的分类地位与亲缘关系。

    The results of clustering analysis were consistent with those of traditional morphological taxonomy for medical gamasid mites . It was so concluded that the results of numerical taxonomy could objectively reflect the taxonomic position and affinity between medical gamasid mites .