
fēn jiè xiàn
  • line of demarcation;boundary;separatrix;divide;separation;barrier;division;line
分界线 [fēn jiè xiàn]
  • (1) [boundary]∶边界,国境线

  • (2) [separation;line of demarcation]∶划分边界、国境、运动场等等区域的线

分界线[fēn jiè xiàn]
  1. 河流充当两国的分界线。

    The river serves as the line of demarcation between the two counties .

  2. 日月山是青海东部外流河与内陆河的分水岭,也是青海东部农业区和牧业区的自然分界线。

    Riyue Mountain is a watershed for valley of eastern Qinghai and inland river , it is also a line of demarcation for agriculture and herd industry in eastern Qinghai area .

  3. 童年与成年之间有分界线吗?

    Is there a cut-off point between childhood and adulthood ?

  4. 这条河曾是撒克逊人与古斯堪的纳维亚人土地的分界线。

    The river formed the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes .

  5. 是时候跨越形式与真理之间的巨大分界线了。

    The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth .

  6. 这条河构成了我这块地和他那块地之间的分界线。

    The river forms the boundary between my land and his .

  7. 一条河流成了两国的分界线。

    A river forms the boundary between the two countries .

  8. 这条河是该城新旧两区的分界线。

    The river forms the division between the old and new parts of the city .

  9. 尽管20世纪60年代僵化的高低分界线已经分崩离析,但我们仍然把文化作为身份的象征。

    Although the rigid high-low distinction fell apart in the 1960s , we still use culture as a badge of identity .

  10. 对新技术的态度往往随着代际分界线变淡漠。

    Attitudes toward new technologies often fall along generational lines .

  11. 它是横跨大运河的最古老的桥梁,也是圣马可和圣保罗区之间的分界线。

    It is the oldest bridge across the canal , and was the dividing line between the districts of San Marco and San Polo .

  12. 斯廷森表示,柏拉图式的关系如何转变为爱情,以及朋友和恋人之间的分界线究竟在哪里,仍然是未解的难题。

    How does a platonic relationship turn romantic and what really is the distinction between friends and lovers is a question that is still being unpicked , Stinson said .

  13. (E2)Ⅰ类方程产生分界线环的参数曲线

    The parameter curves of the boundary line cycles produced by the equations of class ( e_2 )ⅰ

  14. 对于区域查询问题,为了降低算法复杂度,提高算法效率,提出了一种基于分界线的区域快速算法,最后讲述了三维可视化实现的几个重要问题:场景管理机制,3D加速技术。

    At last , several important problems in 3D visualization are described : scene management , 3D speed technology .

  15. 这将成为他与戴维•卡梅隆(DavidCameron)领导的保守党之间的最新分界线。

    This would be the new dividing line with David Cameron 's Conservatives .

  16. 三次系统E3~1存在四角形双曲线分界线环的充要条件

    A necessary and sufficient condition of the existence of the quadrilateral hyperbolic separatrix cycles for the cubic system E_3 ~ 1

  17. n.边界;分界线战后规定了新分界线。

    boundary The new boundaries were fixed after the war .

  18. 多数品质性状在信阳(32°N)与驻马店(33°N)之间有一个较为明显的分界线。

    For most qualitative characters , there was a clear boundary between Xinyan ( 32 ° N ) and Zhumadian ( 33 ° N ) .

  19. 韩国统一部发言人KimHo-nyoun表示,南北韩边境的紧张局面已部分归于正常。他说朝鲜已经允许韩国个人和车辆通过这条将两国分开的军事分界线。

    He says North Korea is allowing the passage of South Korean personnel and automobiles through the Military Demarcation Line separating the two countries .

  20. 在大约111°E线附近有一条温度变化的分界线,此线以东气温变化是冬暖夏凉型,此线以西的大部分地区气温变化是四季降温型。

    There was a demarcation line of air temperature change near 111 ° E. Air temperature was getting warmer in winter and is getting cooler in summer on the east of the line .

  21. 冰芯记录揭示Lambert冰川谷地是东南极洲重要的气候分界线

    Ice-core Record Revealed that the Lambert Glacier Valley is an Important Boundary of Climate in East Antarctica

  22. 必须考虑的一点是,BPEL层和已编排的低级业务逻辑服务之间的分界线应该放置在何处。

    Some consideration must be given to where to place the dividing line between the BPEL layer and the orchestrated , lower-level business logic services .

  23. 然而,并不是所有人都能想象到一旦他们穿越了分界线就永无回程。无界区域上具线性阻尼的二维Navier-Stokes方程的拉回吸引子

    Not everyone imagined the journey across the partition line would be final . Pullback Attractors for Non-autonomous 2D Navier-Stokes Equations with Linear Dampness in Some Unbounded Domains

  24. 此外,韩国官员在本国议会上表示,平壤在靠近有争议的海上分界线&北方限制线(NorthernLimitLine,NLL)的地区部署了攻击型直升机和火箭。

    Moreover , South Korean officials have told its parliament that Pyongyang has deployed attack helicopters and rockets in an area near the Northern Limit Line , a disputed sea border west of the Korean coast .

  25. 但对于那些无法用分界线光滑的二值函数来拟合的复杂的图像,C-V模型的分割效果并不理想。

    However , for the images which can not be fitted by separatrix smooth two-value functions , segmentation effects of C-V model may not be ideal .

  26. 距离河道350m是深根植物和浅根植物的分界线;

    The distance of 350 m to riverway is the boundary of deep - rooted plants and shallow - rooted plants ;

  27. 通过与Lambert冰川流域西侧有关研究结果的对比,揭示了该冰川谷地为东南极洲重要气候分界线的特征。

    Comparison with the results in west side of the basin shows that the Lambert Glacier valley is an important boundary of climate in East Antarctica .

  28. 周四发布的11月份PMI从10月份的51.4跌至49.0,跌穿了50这一扩张与收缩的分界线。

    The index , released on Thursday , fell to 49.0 in November , down from 51.4 in October , dropping below the 50 reading that separates expansion from contraction .

  29. 由此得出,90°E是东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风的分界线。

    Therefore , it is concluded that the meridian of 90 ° E is the demarcation line between the South Asian summer monsoon ( SASM , i.e. the TISM ) and the East Asian summer monsoon ( EASM , including the SCSSM ) .

  30. 东南极Amery冰架与陆地冰分界线的重新划定及验证

    Re_definition and Validation of the Grounding Line of Amery Ice Shelf , East Antarctica