
fēn xī yǔ
  • analytical language
  1. 韩语属于黏着语,汉语属于分析语。

    Korean language belongs to the category of agglutinative language , while Chinese language is a kind of analytical language .

  2. 这些方法基本上都是针对英语提出来的,由于汉语(典型的分析语)与英语(属于印欧语系)的语法特点差异很大,它们并不完全适用于汉语。

    They are not fit for Chinese very well because the great diversity of grammar feature between Chinese ( a typical analytical language ) and English ( a kind of Aryan language ) .

  3. 这三个理论都是用于分析语篇的理论,RST是用来分析语篇内部的衔接关系,尤其是分析较大的文本单位或段落等,目的是为语言的分析和生成提供形式框架。

    RST is used to analyze the coherent relations within texts , especially the relations between units and segments of the text , aiming to provide the formal framework for the language analysis and generation .

  4. 分析语评论应该标明出处,以避免歪曲事实或语境。

    Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context .

  5. 据我看来,亚洲最有趣,但是我只喜欢分析语。

    Asia is personally the most interesting , but I only like analytic languages .

  6. 韩礼德十分清晰的表明功能语法的目的就在于理解和分析语篇的功能。

    Halliday makes his point clear that the purpose of Functional Grammar is to understand and evaluate texts .

  7. 分析语的特征是不用形态变化而用词序及虚词来表达语法关系。

    A synthetic language is " characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships " .

  8. 认知语言学的发展为分析语篇连贯提供了一个新的视角,对语篇连贯性研究发挥了重大的作用。

    Cognitive linguistics offers a new perspective to analyzing the subject , and has contributed greatly to the explanation of a text coherent .

  9. 通过对《日出》中语码转换进行个案研究,运用系统功能语言学的元功能理论,从三个元功能来分析语码转换的作用。

    The present study aims to apply the metafunction theory in Systemic Functional Linguistics to the analysis of the code-switched utterances in Ri Chu .

  10. 主位推进模式理论被用于分析语篇的各组成成分是如何相互关联,从而形成一个意义连贯的整体。

    The theory of thematic progression patterns is extensively used in analyzing how different structural elements relate to each other and form a coherent whole .

  11. 在此大量分析语总结的基础上,形成了笔者在本文所提倡的关于商标合理使用制度的内涵。

    On the basis of this summary analysis of language , the connotation of trademark fair use system advocated by the author in this article .

  12. 因此,我们在分析语篇时,不仅要分析语言的本身,同时也要考虑到一些社会因素如意识形态、语言与权力之间的关系等。

    Therefore , social factors such as ideology and relationship between language and power should be taken into account while making an analysis on discourses .

  13. 试图运用真值条件意义理论分析语篇的命题关系以及命题的真值条件。

    It seeks to employ the Truth-conditional Theory of Meaning to analyze the propositional relations of the discourse as well as the truth conditions of propositions .

  14. 正如彼得·纽马克所说,翻译理论的任务就是为译者在翻译分析语篇时提供一些指导性原则(或者说,首先要考虑的标准)。

    It is , as Peter Newmark holds , the business of translation theory to suggest some criteria and priorities for translators ' analysis of texts .

  15. 本文旨在从一个新的视角研究语篇的连贯性,运用概念隐喻来分析语篇的连贯。

    This thesis researches on discourse coherence from a new angle . The thesis makes an analysis of the coherent functions of conceptual metaphor in some discourses .

  16. 发音学习过程是一个自动化程序认知过程,本文结合实际案例从认知心理学的各个过程分析语谱图在聋人语训中的作用与效果。

    This paper will discuss the role of spectrogram in speech training for the hearing-impaired with special reference to the understanding of cognitive psychology and practical cases .

  17. 最后,对新闻访谈中语气隐喻的定量考察表明:扩展的言语功能系统可以使我们更好地理解和分析语篇的交流性和商讨性。

    The quantitative study of metaphors of mood in English news interviews shows that the expansion of speech functions can help us understand discourse analysis as interaction .

  18. 用典型的象似性原则来探讨、分析语篇的象似性及其认知基础,能使读者更直观、更有效地解读语篇。

    Discussing iconicity and its cognitive foundation in the field of text with typical iconic principles can help the readers understand the text more intuitively and effectively .

  19. 利用评价理论分析语篇并非一个新的研究领域,但是,目前国内外对于新闻语篇的态度研究还不够深刻。

    News discourse is not a fresh field studied with respect to Appraisal Theory ; However , English news discourse has not been studied proudly in attitudinal aspect .

  20. 通过分析语篇产生和理解的过程,我们发现作者和读者的共有知识和个人认知在空环的产生和理解的过程中发挥重要的作用。

    Through the analysis of discourse production and comprehension , it is found that common knowledge and personal cognition play an important part in the interpretation of missing links .

  21. 本文探讨语言环境对语篇的影响及语用推理,分析语篇语用推理的前提、过程、结论。

    The Essay elucidates the impact of linguistic environment upon discourse and linguistic reasoning , and analyses the premise , process and conclusion of the linguistic reasoning of discourse .

  22. 建立在修辞结构理论基础之上的前指分布规律可以用来分析语篇中名词和代词前指分布的情况。

    The rule of the distribution of the nominal and pronominal anaphora based on the Rhetorical Structure Theory is employed in this paper to analyze the texts from FIDIC Contract Conditions .

  23. 它主要通过分析语篇在语言形式和结构方面的特征来考察隐藏在其中的意识形态意义,从而进一步揭示语言、权力和意识形态之间的关系。

    By analyzing the features of the discourse in aspects of language form and structure , CDA explores the ideological meaning hiding in it to reveal the relationship between language , power and ideology .

  24. 目前,对语辞幽默的研究大多是从语义学和语用学的角度展开的,多集中于探讨语辞幽默的理论,功能,以及分析语辞幽默产生的原因等等。

    Up to now , all the researches on verbal humor have been done from perspectives of semantics and pragmatics , which focus on the study of various theories , functions and reasons of humor .

  25. 研究者对于认知突显的研究多集中在句子层面,并且从侧面和基体、射体和界标以及图形&背景理论的角度分析语篇突显。

    Researchers and scholars pay more attention to the analysis of cognitive prominence on the sentence level and interpret prominence in discourse from the perspective of base and profile , trajectory and landmark , and figure-ground .

  26. 在简要讨论语篇定义的基础上探讨分析语篇语言学的主要流派以及语篇交际的构成原则,以期进一步了解和把握这门新兴学科的一些理论思想。

    This paper , based on a brief discussion of some definitions of text , investigates major text linguistic schools of thought and constitutive principles of textual communication , so that a better understanding can be obtained .

  27. 它通过分析语篇的语言特点和它生成的社会历史背景来考察语言结构背后的意识形态意义,进而揭示语言、权利和意识形态之间复杂的关系。

    Through the analysis of the characteristics of the language of discourse and its social and historical background , CDA intends to examine the ideology hidden behind the meaning , especially the relationship among the language , power and ideology .

  28. 新模型可以应用到写作教学中去,从更深层次来分析语篇生成的有效性。最后,总结在应用模型方面应注意的问题,研究的局限及对今后研究的建议。

    This new model can be used in English writing teaching , analyzed the effective of discourse production from a deeper level . Finally , conclude the problems might be produce in this model , the limitations and suggestions in further research .

  29. 从功能对等角度分析双关语汉英翻译英语修辞格Pun与汉语双关语的对比与互译

    An Analysis of English Translation of Chinese Puns from the Perspective of " Functional Equivalence "

  30. 本文从Halliday和Hasan关于语篇照应的理论出发,指出其静态分析对语篇照应解释的局限性。

    Beginning with Halliday & Hasan 's theory on discourse reference , this paper firstly points out the limitations of static analysis on discourse reference .