
fēn ɡē bāo wéi
  • Divide and surround;cut up and surround the enemy
分割包围 [fēn gē bāo wéi]
  • [division encirclement]将敌割裂成数块,分别包围攻击的作战行动

  1. 结果随着时间推移,β&TCP逐渐被纤维组织分割包围,但是无软骨、骨和坏死组织形成。

    Results β - TCP was invaded and encased gradually by fibrous tissue with no cartilage , bone and necrotic tissue formation .

  2. 由于独特的战略地理位置,土耳其经常处于各大国的分割和包围之中。

    The unique strategic geographical location , Turkey is often the major powers divided and siege .

  3. 场景分割技术采用BVH包围盒结构技术。

    Bounding volume hierarchies technique is adopted to split the loaded scene .

  4. 在碰撞检测算法上,本文通过碰撞检测概述,对碰撞检测技术进行分类,将其分为空间分割法和层次包围盒法两大类,并对其进行解释;

    On collision detection algorithm , the paper descriptions the summarization of the collision detection , collision detection techniques are classified into two categories , including surrounding box and space partition , which we interpret in this paper ;