
chū nà yuán
  • teller;cashier;paymaster
  1. 出纳员在持枪歹徒开枪时冲向藏身处。

    The cashier dived for cover when a gunman opened fire

  2. 出纳员在统计收款总额。

    The cashier was counting the money he had received .

  3. 银行每个出纳员的窗口前都排起了队。

    A line formed at each teller window .

  4. 出纳员盗用了银行5万美元。

    The cashier embezzled $ 50,000 from the bank .

  5. 出纳员正把所收的款项加总起来。

    The cashier is adding up her receipts .

  6. 他把这件事告诉了第三国民银行,消息当然传到出纳员柯帕乌耳里。

    He acquainted the third national bank with this fact , and of course the information came to Cowperwood as teller .

  7. 打字员、售票员、银行出纳员和许多生产线上的工作都像织布工一样被替代了。

    Typists , ticket agents , bank tellers and many production-line jobs have been dispensed with , just as the weavers were .

  8. 这意味着,例如,一个骗子可以从一个看起来很熟悉的号码给你打电话,然后用一种听起来和你银行出纳员一模一样的声音跟你说话,诱使你"确认"你的地址、母亲的名字和卡号。

    This means , for example , that a scammer could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank teller 's , tricking you into " confirming " your address , mother 's name , and card number .

  9. 除了金融机构,出纳员也会在一些社会机构里收款付款。

    Cashiers receive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions .

  10. 出纳员盗用了银行5万美元

    The cashier embezzled $ 50000 from the bank .

  11. 全部办公室雇员--秘书、出纳员、推销员--都被邀请了

    All the office employees -- secretaries , cashiers , salesmen -- were invited .

  12. 钱短了一千美元,出纳员着急得要命

    The cashier was stewing herself over the sum of 1 , 000 which was missing .

  13. 男孩正在吃一个面包卷,并将面包卷戳向出纳员,出纳员笑着摇了摇头。

    The boy was eating a roll , which he thrust at the teller . The teller smiled and shook his head .

  14. 如果银行抢劫犯A以武力威胁银行的出纳员B

    If Bank Robber A holds up Bank Teller B

  15. 而且如果银行出纳员B给银行抢劫犯A一笔相当可观的钱

    And if Bank Teller B gives Bank Robber A a certain amount of money

  16. 什么会阻止银行出纳员B留下剩下的那些钱而宣称都被银行抢劫犯A抢走了呢?

    What is to prevent Bank Teller B from keeping all the money left and claiming that it was stolen by Bank Robber A ?

  17. 这个一次性的代码传递过程发生在银行出纳员访问这个应用程序的URL时。

    This one-time code delivery to the browser is done when the bank teller visits the URL for this application .

  18. 总之,BankActionsPHP模块是银行出纳员请求的调度器,它调用适当的BankLogic功能来处理这些请求。

    In summary , the Bank Actions PHP module acts as a dispatcher for bank teller requests to call the appropriate Bank Logic function to process those requests .

  19. 请注意在这个用例中没有禁止出纳员记住Philip是谁。

    Note that there 's nothing in this use case to prohibit the teller from remembering who Philip is .

  20. 可能需要这个特性的环境包括集中管理的客户机,比如银行出纳员的终端、零售设备以及用户自助服务的设备(例如ATM机)。

    Target deployments include centrally managed clients , such as bank branch teller terminals and retail point-of-sale devices as well as customer-facing kiosks such as ATMs .

  21. 有点像Uber的应用界面,阿布拉中有”出纳员“在循环滚动。

    it 's kind of like an Uber interface , there 's Abra " tellers " moving around .

  22. 不论什么时候去银行,接待顾客(patron)的出纳员也总是不够。

    No matter what time of day you bank , the number of tellers is inadequate to the number of patrons .

  23. 对于上面的示例,架构师可能断定一个业务指示(例如AML)应该应用于“出纳员”。

    Working from the example above , an architect might assess that a business directive ( i.e.for AML ) should be applied to " tellers " .

  24. 如果我在一个ATM机上进行了储蓄操作然后走进支行去问出纳员,我希望他能够知道我刚刚进行的储蓄。

    If I make a deposit at an ATM and then go inside the branch and talk to a teller , I want the teller to be aware of the deposit I just made .

  25. 行抢劫犯A一笔相当可观的钱……什么会阻止银行出纳员B留下剩下的那些钱而宣称都被银行抢劫犯A抢走了呢?只有一个问题。银行抢劫犯A在哪里呢?

    And if Bank Teller B gives Bank Robber A a certain amount of money ... What is to prevent Bank Teller B from keeping all the money left and claiming that it was stolen by Bank Robber A ? There was only one problem . Where was Bank Robber A ?

  26. 1915年7月的某一天,德国外交官兼美国一战时期特务组织的官方出纳员海因里希艾伯特(HeinrichAlbert)在坐地铁的时候小睡了一会。

    The German diplomat Heinrich Albert , who happened to be the official paymaster of the World War I spy ring in America , took a nap one day in July 1915 while riding the subway .

  27. 话说有两种人:一种是穿着衣服比较好看(像GwynethPaltrow),一种是脱光才好看(像PamelaAnderson),而坐在我对面的那位属于前者,她是一个很瘦的银行出纳员,穿的相当妖媚。

    There are two types of people : those who look better dressed ( Gwyneth Paltrow ) , and those who look better naked ( Pamela Anderson ) , and one of the former was sitting directly across from me , a thin bank teller who was quite foxy clothed .

  28. 出纳员告诉我得签这些表格。

    The teller told me I need to sign these forms .

  29. 出纳员前的排队队伍,每条都是四层深。

    The lines in front of the tellers were four deep .

  30. 银行出纳员做什么?她数钱。

    What does a bank teller do ? She counts money .