
  • 网络vancl
  1. 凡客诚品仅面向中国市场销售,上海中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)的雷小山(ShaunRein)表示。

    Vancl only sells to the China market , said Shaun Rein of China Market Research in Shanghai .

  2. 然而即使在IPO战线上,也存在竞争:5月凡客诚品聘请了5家银行筹备IPO,准备在今年年底之前上市,筹资目标为10亿美元。

    But the race is on even on this front : Vancl hired five banks in May for an IPO in which it aims to raise up to US $ 1bn before the end of this year .

  3. 最后,本文将构建的评价模型应用于B2C电子商务网站&VANCL(凡客诚品)进行顾客满意度评价,针对结果进行了分析,并提出了一些建议。

    At last , this paper applies the evaluation model to a B2C e-commerce websites & VANCL , then analyses the results and also provides some suggestions .

  4. 难怪凡客诚品(Vancl)等在线服装零售商正把目光投向孟加拉国以节约成本。

    No wonder online clothes retailers such as Vancl are looking to Bangladesh to save costs .

  5. 在线服装零售商凡客诚品(Vancl)也已经开始销售其它商品,成为一个极强的竞争者。

    Vancl , an online clothing retailer which has also started selling other goods , is a strong contender .

  6. 凡客诚品(vancl)正在试验将一小部分生产转移至孟加拉国,并计划增加在中国以外生产的服装比重。

    VANCL is sourcing a small part of its production from Bangladesh on a trial basis and plans to increase the proportion of clothes made outside China .

  7. 凡客诚品表示,此举的主要原因在于海外劳动力成本较低。

    VANCL said the main incentive for the move was cheaper labour costs .

  8. 一些欧洲电子商务网站据称对凡客诚品的模式有兴趣。

    Some European e-commerce sites are said to be interested in Vancl 's model .

  9. 凡客诚品称,在中国招聘困难是此举的另一个原因。该公司指出,新一代中国工人不喜欢工厂工作。

    Difficulty recruiting workers was another reason for the move , Vancl said , noting that the new generation of Chinese workers did not like factory jobs .

  10. 用户热衷瞬时称心,品牌意识或对山寨产品的厌恶感与日俱增,凡客诚品这家新兴企业投其所好,发展迅猛,很快就要上市。

    Vancl , a start-up that intends to go public soon , is satisfying both consumers'desire for instant gratification and their growing brand-consciousness ( or dislike of pirated goods ) .