
  • 网络Vanka
  1. 总统顾问凯莉安妮?康韦(KellyanneConway)就对她老板女儿的“美好”品牌表现出了极大热情,以至于被控为了鼓励民众“去购买伊凡卡的产品”而违反联邦道德法规。

    Kellyanne Conway , counsellor to the president , has shown a passion for her boss 's daughter 's " wonderful " brand so intense that she has been accused of violating federal ethics laws in order to encourage folks to " go and buy her stuff . "

  2. 我会在莱凡卡卧兰度等。

    I 'll be waiting here at the La VacA volando .

  3. 但目前看来,没有几个人愿意拿出足够购买一辆小汽车的钱来模仿伊凡卡的造型。

    But few folks , it seems , are prepared to part with the cost of a small car to get the look .

  4. 我想对小女孩和凡卡说,我真诚邀请你们来到我们这个美丽的国家,同我们一起快乐地学习和生活。

    I would like a little girl and all cards , I sincerely invite you to our beautiful country with us , happy , learning and living .