
jiǎn xíng
  • reduce a penalty;commute a sentence;abatement from penalty;abatement of a sentence;commutation (mitigation) of a sentence;remission;commutation;commute
减刑 [jiǎn xíng]
  • [reduce a penalty;abatement of a sentence;commutation (mitigation) of a sentence] 依法减轻原判的刑罚

减刑[jiǎn xíng]
  1. 减刑会向犯罪分子发出错误的信号。

    Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals .

  2. 她因为表现良好获得减刑,可能会在一年内重获自由。

    With remission for good behaviour , she could be freed in a year .

  3. 有可能以情报换取减刑。

    There is a possibility of being able to trade off information for a reduced sentence .

  4. 我不求宽大,也不要求减刑

    I do not plead any extenuating act .

  5. 上周有报道称,前安然(Enron)CEO、大诈骗犯杰夫•斯基林可能将获得多达10年的减刑。

    Last week brought reports of a deal to chop as much as a decade off the prison term of Jeff Skilling , the former Enron CEO and convicted fraudster .

  6. 限制减刑与我国的刑罚体系关系密切。

    Restrictions on commutation of the penalty system is closely related .

  7. 在监狱,你由于表现良好而获得减刑,

    In prison , you get time off for good behaviors ,

  8. 再如减刑、假释的程序不合理。

    Moreover , procedures of commutation and parole are not reasonable .

  9. 我国减刑制度的缺陷与矫正

    The Defects of Penalty Commutation System in China and their Rectification

  10. 将死刑减刑(改为无期徒刑)

    Commute a death sentence ( to one of life imprisonment )

  11. 非经法定程序不得减刑。

    No sentence reduction shall be made without due legal process .

  12. 他合作我就让他减刑。

    I 'm hoping he 'll cooperate for a reduced sentence .

  13. 罪犯因守法良好而获减刑。

    The criminal 's sentence has been reduced for good behaviour .

  14. 这家法院对14名船员减刑。

    The court also reduced the sentence of 14 crew members .

  15. 年迈的囚犯因行为良好而获得减刑。

    The old convict 's sentence was reduced for good behavior .

  16. 在监狱里……你表现好的话会获得减刑。

    IN PRISON ... You get time off for good behavior .

  17. 第二部分,我国现行减刑制度解读。

    Second part : Reading of current commutation system of our country .

  18. 严格规范减刑、假释、保外就医程序。

    Strictly regulate procedures of sentence commuting , parole and medical parole .

  19. 第二部分,中国减刑立法与实践中的问题。

    Part II is the issues in legislation and practice of commutation .

  20. 减刑制度是我国的一项刑罚执行制度。

    Commutation system is one of our penal execution systems .

  21. 但仍存在减刑被过多无度适用的情况。

    But there are still commutation applies too much excessive .

  22. 减刑减刑到较轻的程度。

    Reduction of a penalty to a less severe one .

  23. 在减刑假释制度之中,减刑假释程序保障减刑假释功能的实现。

    The procedure safeguards the functions of commutation and parole .

  24. 试论减刑制度的运作机制

    On Operation Mechanism of the System of Commuting a Sentence

  25. 完善减刑、假释监督程序之构想

    The Design of the Improvement on Supervisory Procedure of Commutation and Parole

  26. 由于他狱中表现良好,得以减刑。

    His prison sentence was reduced on the grounds of good behavior .

  27. 他答应出庭作证以获得减刑。

    And is testifying against him in exchange for a reduced sentence .

  28. 然而现行的减刑假释制度,还存在着种种缺陷。

    However , there are shortcomings in current commutation and parole system .

  29. 我国减刑制度的一般理论研究

    A Study on the General Theory of the Commutation System in China

  30. 第四,增设死刑减刑与赦免以及与此相应的程序规定。

    Fourth , add the abolishment and commute system to death penalty .