
nónɡ chǎn
  • agricultural production;agricultural products;farm produce
农产 [nóng chǎn]
  • (1) [farm production]∶农业生产

  • 农产区

  • (2) [agricultural products]∶农产品

  • 这里有丰富的农产

  1. 本文援引史料记载的自然灾害状况对农产减少做了进一步的概述。

    This article tries to relate historical records of natural disasters and overview the reduction of agricultural production .

  2. 论文对国内外特别是美国、日本和欧盟等绿色农产。

    This paper analyzes marketing strategy and experiences of status quo of green agricultural products especially in America , Japan , and European Union .

  3. 农产物料微波干燥试验设备

    The test device of drying agricutural product materials with microwaves

  4. 论产地农产商品批发市场的组织生产功能

    The Production Function or Agricultural Products Wholesale Market in Place of Origin

  5. 单片机控制的农产物料微波干燥试验设备

    Microwaves Drying Agricultural Product Materials Test Device with Single Chip Computer Control

  6. 农产以莜麦、小麦、马铃薯和胡麻、甜菜为主。

    To agro-naked oats , wheat , potatoes and flax , sugar beet-based .

  7. 农产干燥物料资源及设备发展概论

    The development and present situation of agricultural drying equipments

  8. 运用信贷手段和加强高科技含量、低成本的节水技术的科研投入等政府政府支持政策来激励农产的技术需求。

    To introduce credit means and scientific research of high technology and low cost ;

  9. 台湾农产食品加工业之发展

    Development of Taiwan agricultural food processing industry

  10. 冻蔬菜也行,但什么都比不上你自己的农产。

    Frozen vegetables are all well and good , but nothing can beat your own produce .

  11. 但在较为温和的情况下,气温的升高提高了北方地区的农产生产率。

    But in more moderate scenarios , rising global temperatures improve agricultural productivity in northerly climes .

  12. 对水稻等农产物料,红外光谱热效应区域一般在2.5μm~25μm,对低于2.5μm的辐射,吸收率较低。

    The thermal region of infrared spectral of agricultural material like paddy is between 2.5 m and 25 m.

  13. 要建立健全农村资金回收机制;要健全农产和农村企业的贷款抵押担保机制,完善对担保机构的监督框架。

    Consummating the mechanism of the village enterprise mortgage guarantee and the monitoring frameworks of the mortgage guarantee mechanism .

  14. 运用信息经济学中的博弈论方法考察了建立激励机制和约束机制在农产灌溉技术供给中所起的积极作用。

    Systems of encouragement and punishment by the way of Game theroy in farmers ' technology supply has been investigated ;

  15. 短缺的原因很明显,这不是天灾或农产欠收,而是有意的精心策划。

    If the cause of this is clear , it is not natural disaster or crop failure , but deliberately engineering .

  16. 推动农民组织化、农产改良和农产品商品化应是农村金融业的重要经营原则;

    To get the peasants organized , and to improve and commercialize agricultural products is an important operating principle of the rural finance ;

  17. 农民的正式医疗保障制度覆盖率低,家庭保障等非正式制度的保障能力有限,农产对医疗卫生保障制度需求强烈。

    The coverage of formal medical security syetem is low in rural China and the informal system provides limited medical security in rural China .

  18. 有一个年轻人在一家杂货店的农产部门工作,一天一位顾客要向他买半颗包心菜。

    A young man was working in the produce section of a grocery store when a customer asked him for half a head of cabbage .

  19. 在奶牛饲喂中适当增加青粗饲料投入、调整精粗饲料配比,以及对农产进行相关培训则可以提高技术效率;而受教育程度仅对配置效率产生正向影响。

    Adding more coarse fodder and attending extentions can only improve technical efficiency , while education level is just the influence factor of allocative efficiency .

  20. 水价的提高、制定有效的奖惩法规来激励或约束农产的节水行为、技术节水成效的提高和技术建设成本的降低都会增加农户节水灌溉技术的供给,使技术供给行为从违约转向合作。

    Increasing water price , establishing rules of encouragement and punishment , enhancing water-saving effect and decreasing technology cost will increase farmers ' technology supply ;

  21. 农村居民的医疗服务利用率下降,农产的收入水平成为决定医疗服务需求的关键因素;

    The level of income is an important factor affecting health of farmers and it is also the bottleneck which restricts farmers using medical service .

  22. 龙头企业具有开拓市场、带动基地和农产的桥梁纽带作用,在农业产业化经营中起关键性作用。

    The leading enterprises is bridge role of explore the market , promote bastion and farmer , it has key effect in business of agriculture industry .

  23. 本文在对投资主体行为进行分析时,引入博弈理论,对地方政府之间、中央政府与地方政府之间、政府与农产间的农业投融资行为进行了博弈分析。

    We got rid of the hedge of traditional method , and analyzed the bodies ' behaviors of agricultural investing and financing by inducted game theory .

  24. 在分析农产品牌建设的理论基础之上,总结了国内发达地区的农产品品牌建设经验。

    In the analysis of agricultural products based on the theory of building brand , summed up the experience of agricultural brand building in developed areas .

  25. 通过对水稻等农产物料进行了光谱特性分析和试验研究,提出红外辐射除了热特性之外,还有选择性加热特性的重要结论。

    Based on the analysis and experimental studies of infrared spectral character , the selective heating character was put forward besides the heat character of infrared radiation .

  26. 农产部提供谷物、料油脂、维、性饮料原料、糖等农产品的检验服务,实验室分析和认证服务。

    Inspection , lab testing and certification services for grain , vegetable oils and fats , fiber , soft drink material , edible sugar and other agricultural products .

  27. 根据我国二元经济转轨时期欠发达地区农产的投资需求下降这一观点,分析了支持农业的财政政策、货币政策和法律行政政策等对农户农业投资需求的影响。

    According to the view proved , it is possible to understand the effect of government 's finance , monetary , law and administration policies that protect agriculture .

  28. 利用麦秸与玉米秸、菇渣、草坪草等农产废弃物与土壤有机肥混合配制有机土壤进行了日光温室甜椒栽培越冬生产。

    The experiment was conducted using soil culture with corn stalk or wheat straw , mushroom residue and lawn grass with manure as substrates to select the better culture ingredient .

  29. 疏忽的,不注意的表现缺乏注意力的;漫不经心的短缺的原因很明显,这不是天灾或农产欠收,而是有意的精心策划。

    Exhibiting a lack of attention ; not attentive . If the cause of this is clear , it is not natural disaster or crop failure , but deliberately engineering .

  30. 2农村老年人保障问题的框架是建立在农户家庭整体保障策略之下的,以农产家庭资源为基础的家庭养老保障安排。

    Fundamental framework of analysis for the elderly support in rural China is that family strategy for the elderly is under rural household livelihood strategy and is based on household resources ;