
  • 网络agricultural intellectual property
  1. 加强我国农业知识产权保护探讨

    Discussion on Strengthening Protection of Agricultural Intellectual Property in China

  2. 农业知识产权保护与农业科技进步

    Protection of Agricultural Intellectual Property and the Advance of Agricultural Science and Technology

  3. 中美WTO知识产权争端首案的法律分析加入WTO后我国农业知识产权管理对策

    Legal Analysis of the First WTO Case of Sino-US Intellectual Property Dispute

  4. 我国加入WTO后农业知识产权保护和技术贸易对策研究

    Policy Studies on IPR Protection in Chinese Agriculture and Agricultural Technology Trade after WTO Membership

  5. 植物新品种保护是农业知识产权保护的重点领域,是WTO《与贸易相关的知识产权协议》(简称TRIPS协议)中农业知识产权领域内最重要的组成部分。

    Plant variety protection is the most important part of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPs ) in agriculture intellectual property rights .

  6. 农业知识产权制度保护的策略探讨

    The Discussion on the Protection Strategy for Agriculture Intellectual Property Rights

  7. 对农业知识产权进行保护,可以从不同的角度出发,采取不同的措施。

    Different measures are taken to protect intellectual property of agriculture from different angles .

  8. 浅谈农业知识产权保护

    Views on Protection of Agricultural Intellectual Property

  9. 以目前存在的问题和不足来探求对农业知识产权保护的具体措施。

    This paper will discuss the concrete measures for the protection of agriculture intellectual property rights .

  10. 资产评估行业担负着实施农业知识产权战略的重要任务,即为农业知识产权提供公允价值参考。

    Assets appraisal industry undertakes a very important task that is providing the value consultant for agriculture intellectual property .

  11. 第二部分:对农业知识产权的概念及法律特征、农业知识产权的范围界定。

    The second one , the conception , the legal character and confinement of intellectual property of agriculture are concluded .

  12. 结合统计数据,探讨了中国农业知识产权对农业科技创新的促进作用;

    The facilitating function of IPR of Chinese agriculture to the innovation and progress of Chinese agricultural technique was studied based on the statistical data .

  13. 本文研究了农业知识产权评估的特点、目的和方法选择。以期为农业知识产权评估的理论研究和实践提供参考。

    This paper aims at the characters , objection , methods of agriculture intellectual property valuation and gives some proposes for intellectual property valuation research .

  14. 介绍农业知识产权保护的法律依据和保护范围,并提出加强知识产权保护工作的几点建议。

    This article introduced the legal basis and the extent of protection , and put forward suggestions on the enhancement of intellectual property rights protection work .

  15. 比较不同国家农业知识产权保护制度的异同,明确我国应如何应对目前的现状。

    Comparing the similarities and differences of other countries'protection for Technological property of agriculture , how to deal with the status quo at present is made certain .

  16. 该部分从加快我国农业知识产权保护实施的角度,整体、系统、全面的分析了在农业知识产权保护方面应采取的相应对策及措施。

    This part took view of speedily conduct the agriculture IPR protection to analyze what should taken in the agro - IPR protection generally , systemically , and completely .

  17. 然而这种合理界定并不一定是指严格的刚性产权界定,农业知识产权的产权界定可以在一定程度与条件下弱化。

    However , it does not always mean the strict definition of property rights . The definition of the property rights for the agriculture can be weakened under some circumstances .

  18. 探讨了农业知识产权的涵义、范畴,分析了农业知识产权保护的特点,提出了加强农业知识产权保护的若干对策建议。

    The meaning of the agricultural intellectual property ( AIP ) and characteristics of protection of it were discussed , and some measures on protection of the AIP were put forward .

  19. 植物新品种保护制度是我国农业知识产权战略的重要部分,对于我国农业产业结构调整和优化具有举足轻重的作用。

    The new plant varieties protection is an important part of our country agriculture intellectual property rights strategy , which plays an important role for our agricultural structure adjustment and upgrading .

  20. 地理标志是一项重要的农业知识产权,作为农业知识产权的一个重要组成部分,柑橘地理标志在农业经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Geography indication is an important agricultural intellectual property rights , and as an important constitution of agricultural intellectual property rights the geography indication of citrus is play a more and more vital role in the agricultural economic development .

  21. 农业知识产权的制度变迁也遵循着从不均衡到均衡的发展过程,这一渐进的均衡过程同样受制度需求与制度供给的影响,并最终表现出在一定时期内的蛛网式波动。

    Admittedly , the institutional change of the intellectual property rights of the agriculture follow the gradual process from imbalance to balance . This gradual process of balance is limited by the institutional demand and supply , and eventually betrays some cobweb-fluctuations in a fixed period .

  22. WTO在农业和知识产权方面的协定对世界范围内的农民、乡村和本土公社产生了特别的戏剧性的影响。

    WTO agreements on agriculture and intellectual property right have had particularly dramatic impacts on farmers and rural and indigenous communities around the world .

  23. 农业科研知识产权战略的目标与对策

    The Countermeasure and Objective of Intellectual Property Strategy for Agricultural Scientific Research

  24. 谈软件登记与高校知识产权保护论农业高校知识产权保护问题

    Discussion on Software Copyright Registration and Intellectual Property Protection in the Universities

  25. 论农业高校知识产权保护问题

    On Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Universities

  26. 农业技术知识产权运行管理的模式分析

    Operation model analysis of Agriculture ST IPR management

  27. 会议也解决了七项原本可能需要经世界贸易组织处理的有关高科技产品、农业和知识产权保护的争端。

    They also resolved seven potential World Trade Organization cases on high-technology products , agriculture and intellectual-property protection .

  28. 目前,我国正在积极实施知识产权战略,而加强农业高校知识产权管理是落实国家知产权战略的重要举措。

    At the present time , China is actively constructing the national intellectual property strategy . While strengthening intellectual property management of agricultural university is an important measure to implement the strategy of national knowledge property rights .

  29. 农业科技成果知识产权保护问题初探

    A Preliminary Exploration on Intellectual Rights Protection of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Achievements

  30. 我国农业生物技术知识产权保护的现状分析

    China 's Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Agro-biology