
  • 网络agrometeorological index;agrometeorological indices
  1. 河套灌区向日葵适宜播种农业气象指标研究

    The Agriculture Weather Index Sign on Sunflower Feat Sow Seeds

  2. 新化县中药材农业气象指标及种植区划

    The Agro-meteorological Indicator and Planting Division of Chinese Herbal Medicines in Xinhua

  3. 洪涝和湿害的农业气象指标用水分平衡旱涝指标来表示。

    Water balance drought flood index is used as the agricultural meteorological index of flood and humidity harm .

  4. 分析确定了青海省条锈病害发生的农业气象指标,对春小麦条锈病害的预报及防治有现实意义。

    The agrometeorological indexes of the occurrence of wheat yellow stripe rust in Qinghai Province are defined which have a practical significance for the forecasting and prevention of spring wheat yellow stripe rust .

  5. 云南省烤烟农业气象灾害监测指标的研究

    Study on monitoring indexes of tobacco agrometeorological disasters in Yunnan Province weather concerning environmental pollution

  6. 该文提出了一个可业务应用的农业旱涝监测预警气象指标&累积湿润指数。

    An accumulated humidity index is introduced as agricultural drought and flood indicator and can be applied to operation .

  7. 同时研究也表明,运用风险预测方法甄选农业旱涝灾害指标是一种简单、快捷和有效的农业气象灾害指标挑选方法。

    The method of selection agro-meteorology disaster index based on risk prediction was simple and convenient , which could recommend to a new method for selecting agro-meteorology index .