
jūn mǎ
  • army horse;war-horse;destrier
军马 [jūn mǎ]
  • [army horse] 在军队中服役的马和骡的统称。通常分为乘马、驮马和挽马

  • 都督诸路军马。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》

军马[jūn mǎ]
  1. 本研究以位于天山北坡西部的昭苏军马场为对象,重点探讨不同放牧高度对春秋场合理利用的影响,以期达到天然草地生态系统良性循环,提高畜牧业生产水平的目的。

    In the research , the Army Horse Farm of Zhaosu is selected to discuss the effect on spring and autumn grassland under different grazing-height , in the hope of achieving the benign circulation of grassland ecosystem and improving the level of animal husbandry .

  2. 昭苏军马场草地资源利用优化格局的研究

    Study on the optimized utilization pattern of rangeland resources in army horse farm of zhaosu county

  3. 巴里安:我从海里得到的这匹马。(随船运输的军马)

    Balian of Ibelin : I took this horse from the sea .

  4. 马在军事上占有十分重要的地位,尤其是在古代的战争中,军马更是不可缺少的装备。

    The horse occupies a very important position in the military , especially in the ancient war , warhorse is indispensable equipment .

  5. 然而,先锋军马谡在街亭被敌人用战术击败,蜀军被迫撤回。

    The vanguard Ma Su , however , suffered a tactical defeat at Jieting and the Shu army was forced to withdraw .

  6. 对退休将军马苏德而言,军队、情报机构和政府对这个情况的应对很差。

    For retired General Talat Masood , the military , the intelligence services and the government are responding to the situation poorly .

  7. 将部分农场、房地产、保障性企业、军马场转让和移交地方使用。

    Some of the military farms , real estate , support enterprises and army horse-breeding farms have been handed over to local authorities .

  8. 虽然谷歌希望尽快扩充军马,但也要确保雇员能够适应这里率性而为的文化。

    Even as Google tries to hire more people faster , it wants to make sure that its employees will fit into its freewheeling culture .

  9. 在山丹县内,生态健康的值相对较高的是山丹军马场草场,这里的植被是覆盖度高,且大面积连成一片;

    During each year in Shandan County , relative high values of ecosystem health exist at military horse farm , where the high overlay grassland is dominating ;

  10. 昭苏军马场天然草地春秋场始牧期、终牧期的研究

    Study on the Beginning and Finishing Grazing-Period of the Spring and Autumn Pasture in Army Horse Farm of Zhaosu ; the designs of the villain are all too clear

  11. 西北地区是长安城军马供应的基地,唐代骑兵发展比较成熟,对军马依赖程度较高,关中地区同样建有牧场。

    The northwest area is the base of the city of supply , the cavalryman to develop more mature , the armies depend on the higher the area of concern in the pasture .

  12. 来自英格兰,阻止这些未成年贵族成为正规骑士的是缺乏资金来购买昂贵的军马作为坐骑。

    Hailing from all parts of england , the only thing stopping these minor gentry from becoming full-blown knights is the lack of funds to purchase the highly expensive charger needed as a mount .

  13. 本文选择天山北坡西部草地畜牧业区昭苏县(军马场),进行草地资源利用优化格局的研究。

    In the thesis , Zhaosu county , the rangeland-husbandry area in the western part of the northern slope in the Tianshan Mountains , is selected as the representative area to study the optimized utilization pattern of rangeland resources .

  14. 本文拟就明代天下军马分布、北部地区军饷结构,以及军需转运的基本制度进行讨论,以期对明代南北转运格局的形成与变化有所认识。

    The paper is the description of basic system of army distribution , structure of border army corps pay of northern region and its material transportation and in order to know formation and change of north - south transportation situation .

  15. 蒙古马创造了蒙元大帝国的丰功伟业和支撑了近代中国军马、役用马的半壁天下之后,面临着适应现代社会的考验和生存危机。

    Mongolia horses in the created player Meng Yuan imperial greatness , in support of the modern Chinese army and draft horse half the world , face how to adapt to the needs of modern society and the crisis of survival test .