
jūn fāng
  • the military
军方[jūn fāng]
  1. 他们不愿与军方妥协。

    They were unwilling to compromise with the military .

  2. 自此之后,军方一直掌握着实权。

    Thereafter , the military remained the locus of real power .

  3. 人们怀疑军方在策划政变。

    Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup .

  4. 这些话随后遭到了军方一位官方发言人的否认。

    Those comments were later disowned by an official army spokesman .

  5. 军方称这艘船当时正高速向南行进。

    Military sources say the boat was heading south at high speed

  6. 他最言之凿凿的地方在于其对军方的评论。

    He was most damning in his comments about the army .

  7. 危地马拉军方说叛乱分子伏击打死了10名巡逻兵。

    The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen .

  8. 政府当局人员是在军方勉强同意后才到达那里的。

    The civilian authorities are only there on sufferance of the military .

  9. 轰炸的范围远远大于军方愿意承认的范围。

    The bombing has been far more widespread than the military will admit

  10. 军方领导层又解除了几个市镇的军事管制。

    The military leadership have lifted martial law in several more towns .

  11. 军方指责该牧师将宗教与政治混为一谈。

    The military has accused the clergy of mixing religion and politics .

  12. 那篇报道得到美国军方审查官的批准。

    The report was cleared by the American military censors .

  13. 有军方撑腰的政府对新闻进行了严格审查。

    The military-backed government has heavily censored the news .

  14. 他再次证明了自己能够智胜军方。

    He has shown once again that he 's able to outmanoeuvre the military

  15. 军方请求美国红十字会支援6,000品脱的血液。

    The military requested 6,000 pints of blood from the American Red Cross .

  16. 那辆车没有在军方检查站停车。

    The car failed to stop at an army checkpoint

  17. 军方在这儿有发射场,“长剑”导弹等武器都在这里进行试验。

    Here the army has its ranges where Rapier missiles and other weaponry are tested

  18. 内部设计一丝不苟,足以让军方引以为豪。

    The interior is planned with a precision the military would be proud of .

  19. 高居公众呼声前列的是要求结束军方对广播电视的控制。

    High on the list of public demands is to end military control of broadcasting

  20. 军方发表声明称其和昨晚的袭击无任何关系。

    The statement by the military denied any involvement in last night 's attack .

  21. 整个选举过程中都能看出军方的介入。

    The hand of the military authorities can be seen in the entire electoral process

  22. 军方可能会觉得明年难以将政权移交给一位民选总统。

    The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian President next year

  23. 军方随时准备由防御立场转向备战立场。

    The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action

  24. 美国军方希望避免出现类似于越南战争那样逐步升级的态势。

    The US military wants to avoid the graduated escalation that marked the Vietnam War .

  25. 军方显然担心在他的领导下,其活动将受到严重制约。

    The army evidently fears that , under him , its activities would be severely circumscribed

  26. 军方因在平息示威活动时杀死了无辜平民而备受指责。

    The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration .

  27. 军方对于北方几个共和国不断加剧的分裂倾向感到越来越不安。

    The army has become increasingly restless over the mounting separatist tendencies of the northern republics .

  28. 有关军方和警方与几起命案有牵连的指控出现在了新闻报道中。

    Allegations had appeared in the press implicating the army and police in some of the killings

  29. 他说他并不是在指责政府或军方的任何人。

    He said he wasn 't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army .

  30. 军方打算将政权移交给临时政府,并在6个月内举行选举。

    The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months .