
jūn shì jìn qū
  • Military restricted zone;restricted military zone;forbidden military zone
  1. 这个地区已宣布为军事禁区。

    The area has been declared a closed military zone .

  2. 以色列已宣布加沙地带周边地区为军事禁区。

    Israel has declared areas around the Gaza Strip a closed military area .

  3. 在没到海军码头之前,我还以为那是军舰列队,军事禁区呢!

    Before got to the Navy Wharf , I thought that it was a military forbidden zone !

  4. 中方减少了外交联系,甚至以所谓的在军事禁区照相的名义逮捕了四名日侨。

    It cut diplomatic communications and even arrested four Japanese nationals , allegedly for filming in a restricted military area .

  5. 四名涉嫌擅自进入中国军事禁区的四名日本人的最后一名周六被保释出狱。

    The last of four Japanese nationals who allegedly intruded into a Chinese military zone without authorization was released on bail .

  6. 坏军事禁区、事管理区的围墙、丝网或者界线标志的。

    Destroying the enclosing walls , barbed wire fences or boundary markers of the military restricted zone or the military administrative zone .

  7. 军事禁区的位置、围由香港特别行政区政府宣布。

    The locations and boundaries of the military restricted zones shall be declared by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region .

  8. 不得在铁路沿线、机场、码头、军事禁区以及冶炼加工企业附近,设点收购废旧金属物品。

    It is prohibited to purchase the second-hand goods along the railway , near the airport , seaport , military zone and smelting areas .

  9. 香港特别行政区政府应当协助香港驻军维护军事禁区的安全。

    The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall assist the Hong Kong Garrison in maintaining the security of the military restricted zones .

  10. 空中军事禁区和特别重要的陆地、域军事禁区的范围,由国务院和中央军事委员会划定。

    The field of operations has been staked out . The limits of the military restricted airspace and the land and water military restricted zones of utmost importance shall be designated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission .