
  • 网络secondary copper;TCu
  1. 将再生铜与精矿铜生产的环境负荷进行了比较。

    The environmental load data of secondary copper were compared with those of the copper production with concentrate .

  2. 金融风暴下的清远再生铜产业发展现状

    The Secondary Copper Industry 's Actuality of Qingyuan in Financial Crisis

  3. 再生铜生产过程中的问题及对策

    Within the layer the copper ? Problems and Countermeasures in Secondary Copper Production

  4. 根据再生铜反射炉炉内热工过程的工作原理,建立了再生铜反射炉的物理、数学仿真模型。

    According to the thermal process in reclaimed copper reverberatory furnace , the physical and mathematical simulation models were built .

  5. 叙述了再生铜火法精炼炉型的选择以及反射炉杂铜火法精炼工艺流程的改进措施。

    The paper introduces how to select reclaimed copper pyrorefining furnace type as well as innovative approach to process flow of scrap pyrorefining by reverberatory furnace .

  6. 运用生命周期评价的方法,对用二段法生产再生铜过程的环境协调性进行了研究,得到了再生铜生产过程中各工序的环境负荷数据。

    The method of life cycle assessment was applied to the investigation of environmental compatibility of secondary copper produced with two steps . The environmental load data of every process in secondary copper production was obtained .

  7. 反射炉是再生铜生产的关键设备,但由于存在热效率低、金属回收率低、产品质量不稳定、炉子使用寿命低等问题,使其应用受到很大限制。

    Reverberatory furnace is a key equipment for production of reclaimed copper . But its application is greatly limited due to the problems , such as low thermal efficiency , low recovery rate , unstable product quality , short life of the furnace .

  8. 印刷电路板生产中自动化腐蚀剂的再生和铜的回收

    Automatic Etchant Regeneration and Copper Recovery in Printed Wiring Bord Manufacture

  9. 印刷制版和电路板腐蚀液的再生及金属铜的回收

    On Recycling of the Solution from Printing and Circuit board and the reusing of Copper

  10. 介绍了世界废钢铁、再生铝、再生铜、再生铅锌、再生贵金属等的生产现状,指出了再生金属产业的广阔前景。

    This paper describes current production status of iron and steel scrap , secondary aluminum , secondary copper , secondary lead and zinc , and secondary precious metals in the world and pointes out the broad prospects of secondary metal industry .