
zài dìng wèi
  • relocation bit;relocation;relocating
再定位[zài dìng wèi]
  1. SAR/GMTI方法的改进与动目标在雷达图像上的再定位处理

    The Improvement of SAR / GMTI and Relocation of the Moving Target on Radar Image

  2. 论高师公共教育学的性质与目标的再定位

    On the Quality and Relocation of the Objective of Common Pedagogy Course in Teachers Colleges

  3. Slidingguide用于再定位夹板定位的临床效果

    Effects of sliding guide on the positioning of the repositioning splint

  4. 浅论E-Learning环境下继续教育中师生角色的再定位

    The Opinion about the Regeneration of the Role that Teachers and Students Should Act in the Continued Education under the Environment of E-Learning

  5. 通过检查中心粒再定位和细胞膜皱褶动态性,我们发现HOP在应答迁移刺激的细胞极化的过程中起到重要的作用。

    By examination of centrosome reorientation and membrane ruffle dynamics , we find that HOP plays a crucial role in the establishment of cell polarity in response to migratory stimulus .

  6. 与LPV协议一样,MSL算法依靠节点间的相邻关系来完成异常节点的再定位。

    Like the LPV protocol , MSL algorithm completes the re-localization of the anomaly nodes utilizing neighborhood of the sensor nodes .

  7. 这种先预处理,再定位的方式,尽可能克服了NLOS干扰,同时充分利用了经典算法,从而达到提高精度、抑制NLOS传播误差的目的。

    This method which the range measured is pretreated before by the classic algorithm , is effectively restrained from NLOS interference and enhance the precision of location .

  8. 实验结果显示了我们方法在不同环境下具有良好的性能和对定位攻击较强的抵抗性。此外,我们研究了异常节点再定位的问题,并介绍了质心算法和MSL算法。

    The results of simulation confirm the good performance of our method in different situations and show the resilience against attack . Furthermore , we also study the re-localization problem of anomaly nodes and introduce the centroid algorithm and MSL algorithm .

  9. 社区矫正根据的反思与再定位

    Reflection and Re - orientation of the Foundation of Community Correction

  10. 浅析经济中心&兼论北京城市功能再定位

    On the Centre of Economy & Reorientating the Urban Function of Beijing

  11. 从国有股流通的争论谈国有企业的再定位

    Refutation on the Circulation of State-owned Stock to Redefine the State-owned Enterprise

  12. 我国经济法诉讼的反思与再定位

    A Rethinking and Reorientation of Economic Law Litigation in China

  13. 论我国监狱劳动改造功能的再定位

    On the Function Re-orientation of the Reform-by-labors in Chinese Prisons

  14. 可再定位的装配程序大多数装配工人罢工了。

    Must of the assembly workers laid down their tools as well .

  15. 知识经济时代企业市场再定位研究

    The study on enterprise market redirection in knowledge economy time

  16. 创新教育下英语教师的角色再定位

    Role reorientation of teachers of English under innovation education

  17. 我国税制结构的弊端及其再定位

    The Abuse of Taxation Structure in China and Relocating

  18. 现代教育媒体下优秀教师的再定位

    Re-orientation of Good Teachers with the Modern Educational Media

  19. 合理性审查原则:制度空间与再定位

    The Principle of Reasonableness : Institutionalized Existence and Reconstruction

  20. 图书馆与读者法律关系定位的再定位&对民事法律关系论的质疑

    Legal Relationship Between Library and Reader Reposition-Question on " Civil Law Relation "

  21. 论裁判权与行刑权关系的再定位

    Reconsidering the Relationship Between Judicature and Penalty Power

  22. 本系统综合了小电流接地故障选线以及定位的思想,本着先选线再定位的原则来实现小电流接地故障的故障定位。

    It combines the fault line selection and location to realize the fault location .

  23. 中国出口管理企业的再定位研究

    Chinese Export Management Company : A Reposition Research

  24. 杭州国际旅游形象再定位和对杭州国际旅游发展的思考

    Imaging of international tourism of Hangzhou and strategies for the development of international tourism

  25. 英语教师的角色再定位要注意四个方面。

    Four aspects should be paid attention to in the role reorientation of teachers of English .

  26. 微重力条件下40%充液旋转贮箱中液体再定位的计算

    A Numerical Calculation of Reorientation in a 40 % Filled Rotating Tank under a Microgravity Environment

  27. 侦查活动中侦查人员的自我再定位

    Activities Reorientation of investigators in investigation

  28. 美国公共行政学的再定位

    The Repositioning of American Public Administration

  29. 任何已移位的轨枕均应完全平正地再定位和再固定于钢轨上。

    Any displaced sleepers shall be repositioned and refixed to the rail with a perfect squaring .

  30. 民间工艺品老字号的品牌再定位

    Re-Positioning Old Folk Crafts Brand