
nèi bù mìnɡ lìnɡ
  • internal command
  1. 正如您已经了解到的,全部DOS命令可归类为内部命令或外部命令。

    As you have know , all DOS commands are classified as either internal or external .

  2. DOS命令处理程序的暂驻部分包含全部DOS的内部命令。

    The transient portion of the DOS command processor contains all of the DOS internal commands .

  3. 本文给出修改DOS内部命令TYPE的方法,使其不仅能显示文本文件,也能显示WPS文书文件。

    In this paper , the type command in DOS is modified so that it can be used to display the contents of WPS files .

  4. 介绍一种修改DOS内部命令名,以限制DOS命令使用权力的方法,所给方法具有新命令可不与原命令等长及隐蔽性较好等优点。

    We introduce a method of changing the names of inside commands in DOS to restrict the right for DOS command using .

  5. 注意,SQL代码和MySQL内部命令的大写是可选的,但是数据库的名称、表和列都对大小写敏感。

    Note that capitalization of the SQL code and MySQL internal commands is optional , but names of databases , tables , and columns are case sensitive .

  6. 有一些内部命令,不是交互式解释程序所能理解的EcmaScript或FESI的一部分。

    There are a few built-in commands , which are not part of EcmaScript or FESI , that the interactive interpreter understands .

  7. 内部DOS命令驻留在DOS命令处理程序内的存储器中。

    Internal DOS commands reside in memory within the DOS command processor .

  8. 进程&进程是指系统内部由命令、Shell脚本或其他进程启动的活动。

    Processes & A process is an activity within the system that is started with a command , shell script , or another process .

  9. MS-DOS内部删除命令解析及其应用

    Analysis and Application of MS-DOS Inner Deletion Command

  10. 同时,通过对传感器芯片内部相关命令寄存器的配置和单片机的时序控制,实现片内OSD功能。

    Meanwhile , through the internal related command registers of the sensor chip to configuration and timing control of MCU to achieve OSD function . On the other hand , also in the MCU , SPI communication mechanism used to achieve communication between with the FPGA .

  11. 如果您编写过shell或Perl脚本,您就知道可以在反撇号操作符内部捕捉其他命令的输出。

    If you 've been doing any shell or Perl scripting at all , you know you can capture the output of other commands inside backtick operators .

  12. 使用内部bindbash命令,您实际上可以随心所欲地将任何键或组合绑定到某个特定的操作。

    You can in fact bind any key or combination you like to a particular operation using the internal bind bash command .

  13. “CVS”未被识别为内部或外部命令、可运行程序,或批处理文件。

    " cvs " is not recognized as an internal or external command , operable program , or batch file .

  14. 在对象传输层实现了资源查找算法,设计并实现了一套基于UDP的传输协议用于客户与服务器之间,以及服务器内部之间的命令交互,同时还设计了以XML方式存放的文件存储指针格式;

    In the object transfer layer , we implemented a resource search algorithm , an UDP based transfer protocol for the interaction between a client and a server or two servers .

  15. bashshell包含两类命令:内部的内置命令和外部程序(或外部筛选器和命令,它们通常是自含的二进制程序文件)。

    The bash shell contains two types of commands : builtins , which are internal , and external programs ( or external filters and commands ), which are typically self-contained binary program files .

  16. MIL-STD-1553总线是飞机内部时分割命令/响应式多路复用数据总线,是近几年来星载设备中应用最广泛的数据总线。

    MIL-STD-1553B bus is a Defense Department military standard that sets the requirements for aircraft internal time division command / response multiplex data . It is widely applied to satellite equipments in resent years .

  17. 唯一的条件是:他按照内部声音的命令办事,这个声音在过去曾经指引和保护过他。

    The one condition is that he follow the dictates of the inner voice that have guided and protected him in the past .

  18. 第四部分为显示终端设计,使用qt对显示界面进行设计,利用信号/槽机制和UNIX域套接字实现内部的通信和命令控制。

    The fourth part is about the design of display terminal . Qt is used to design display interface , and the communication in display interface is achieved by signal / slot mechanism and UNIX Domain Socket .

  19. 在阿富汗内部,我已经命令增加额外军队,在彼得雷乌斯将军的指挥下,他们正在不断削弱塔利班。

    Within Afghanistan , I have ordered the deployment of additional troops who-under the command of General David Petraeus-are fighting to break the Taliban 's momentum .

  20. 基金作为一种合约性的组织,其治理结构的重心是依靠水平方向上各个参与主体自主选择和自由退出的力量,而不是通过组织内部垂直方向的命令与服从来维持。

    As a kind of contract organization , the management of the structure is relied on the independent choice and unrestricted quit power of relevant participants in horizontal direction , instead of the maintenance by the inner order and obedience in vertical direction .