
  • 网络fish hatchery;a fish farm
  1. 农夫和我去了一个养鱼场。

    Nung-fu and I visited a fish farm .

  2. 吉林镇贲养鱼场鱼池生态系的分析

    Analysis on the fish pond ecosystems in Zhenlai fish farm of Jilin Province

  3. 小舢舨船是海上养鱼场的鱼农用来载送往返鱼排的工具。

    The small speed boats are used to travel to and fro the floating fish farms .

  4. 一旦察觉有鱼类疾病,该处会向有关养鱼场提供鱼类疾病诊断服务。

    When an outbreak was detected , fish disease diagnosis services would be provided to the fish farms concerned .

  5. 对刘家峡水库网箱养鱼场春季纤毛虫群落结构进行了研究。

    The community structure of ciliates in the cage fish culture farm of Liujiaxia reservoir in spring is studied .

  6. 当李钧来到莆田的时候,莆田的海岸被当地许多养鱼场和养虾场排出的废水严重污染。

    When Li arrived , Putian 's coastline was heavily polluted by effluent from the city 's many fish and shrimp farms .

  7. 武汉易家墩地区污水养鱼场鱼体底泥及水中有机致突变物的测定

    Detection of Mutagenic Organic Extracts from Fish , Sediments and Water in Process of Fish-farming with Sewage at Y Industrial Area of Wuhan City

  8. 如果中国的食品监督部门不能在其监管的养鱼场和蔬菜生产商那里强制推行标准,处于危险之中的就不再只是中国消费者了。

    If food regulators in China cannot impose standards on the fish farms and vegetable producers they patrol , it is no longer just Chinese consumers at risk .

  9. 也许最奇怪的养鱼场是蓝鳍金枪鱼大养殖场。蓝鳍金枪鱼做成的佳肴可以买到每公斤860美元。

    Perhaps the most grotesque form of fish farming is the ranching of bluefin tuna , a delicacy that may sell for as much as $ 860 a kilo .

  10. 在纺织产业生态园的设计中,涵盖了农场、养鱼场、废旧纤维再生公司等各个产业,突破了以往研究中仅限于工业的限制。

    The design of the park has covered various domains like farms , fisheries , waste fibre reproducing companies , etc. and broken the limits of previous designs that are confined to industries .

  11. 这种能长到4英尺长的亚洲鲤鱼当初是由美国南部的养鱼场引进的。在20世纪90年代洪水泛滥时,它们大量地出逃,进入密西西比河流域,从那时起它们一直向北移栖。

    The Asian carp which can grow to 4 feet were imported by Southern fish farms but escaped into the Mississippi River in large numbers during flooding in the 1990s and have been making their way northward ever since .