
  • 网络pension reform
  1. 最后在系统研究了美国养老保险改革思路的基础上,归纳出了美国养老保险改革对我国的启示。

    Finally , on the basis of the United States system of pension reform , it sums up the Inspiration of old-age insurance reform to our country .

  2. 社会养老保险改革对商业人寿保险业的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Pension Reform on the Development of Life Insurance

  3. 农村社会养老保险改革探讨

    My Opinion on the Reform of the Rural Social Endowment Insurance

  4. 试论城镇养老保险改革模式的选择

    On the Choice of Our Urban Pension Insurance Reform Model

  5. 长沙城镇社会养老保险改革研究

    The Research of Changsha Town Endowment Insurance Reformation

  6. 对我国城镇企业养老保险改革的若干思考

    Reform in the Old-age Insurance in the Urban Enterprises in China : Some Considerations

  7. 中国基本养老保险改革存在的诸多问题中,核心是个人账户问题。

    The core question among the problems of our pension insurance reform is individual account .

  8. 发达的资本市场能促进养老保险改革,养老保险改革对资本市场发展具有推动作用。

    Capital market development will speed pension reform and pension reform will also promote capital market development .

  9. 中国养老保险改革辽宁试点模式在长期内不具有财务的可持续性,通过人力资本投资政策和制度参数的改革,可以改善制度的财务可持续性。

    The financial sustainability of the system can be improved through moderate population policy and system parameter reforms .

  10. 中国的实际则表明了将养老保险改革与资本市场发展相结合的必要性和可行性。

    The situation in China illustrates the necessity and feasibility of linking pension reform with capital market development .

  11. 表现最突出的是养老保险改革领域转轨成本的责任回避问题。

    The top performing one is that the government avoids burdening the transition cost of the basic old-age insurance system reform .

  12. 我国养老保险改革以来,统筹账户入不敷出,个人账户出现空账运转。

    Since the beginning of pension reform in China , the public accounts suffered deficit and the individual accounts experienced empty account operation .

  13. 我国从1991年实行养老保险改革开始到现在,基本上确定了从现收现付制向部分积累制转轨的方向。

    The pension system reform of China which was began from 1991 has desided from the pay-as-you-go model to the pension funded model .

  14. 对辽宁养老保险改革试点时的企业缴费能力、职工缴费能力及财政负担能力进行了实证分析,并得出相应结论。

    This paper analyzes the payment capacity of enterprise and its employees and finance support capacity empirically and then draws out its conclusions .

  15. 第六部分是实例分析天津市养老保险改革的发展现状,总结当前比较突出的矛盾问题,并提出具体的改革措施。

    The last part introduces the endowment insurance actuality of Tianjin , sums up the main problem , and brings concrete measure for these problems .

  16. 在世界各国都在酝酿养老保险改革的大环境下,中国也踏上了养老保险改革之路。

    In an environment that all countries around the world have planned some kind of pension reforms , China also steps on the road of pension reform .

  17. 大连市根据国家指示和两江的经验,在探索养老保险改革的同时,积极探索医疗保险制度的改革。

    According to central government ′ s direction and the experiences of Zhenjiang and Jiujiang , the City of Dalian is reform its medical insurance system along with the reform of pension system .

  18. 这对于统筹解决我国现阶段各种社会矛盾,维护社会稳定,促进市场经济健康发展,丰富养老保险改革理论,具有重要意义。

    This has an important meaning to solve the orchestration present stage various society antinomy , maintenance society stability , promote the healthy development of the market economy , abundant endowment insurance reform theories .

  19. 在我国,养老保险改革发展到今天,养老基金除了当期支付外,已经聚集了大量的资金,面临保值、增值的压力。

    In China , besides the payment to beneficiaries currently , China 's pension fund has raised a flood of funds , facing the pressure to preserve its value and to increase in value .

  20. 有鉴于此,笔者分析了基本养老保险改革的基点,认为罗尔斯的社会正义理论对我国社会养老保障的建立具有指导意义;

    The author analyzes the basic points of the reform on the basic endowment insurance system , and concludes that Rolls ' social justice theory can serve as guidelines to establish Chinese endowment insurance system .

  21. 中东欧转型国家的养老保险改革有两种进路,一种是以捷克为代表的参数调整型改革,另一种是以匈牙利和波兰为代表的范式转换型改革。

    There are two approaches in the pension reforms of central and Eastern European countries , the parametric reform represented by Czech republic , and the paradigmatic reform , of which Hungary and Poland are typical .

  22. 即便是现在已经进行了公务员养老保险改革的国家其公务员养老保险在最初往往由国家全部负担,并且养老金的替代率远远高于其他职业的养老保险受益人。

    Even now the civil service pension insurance reform of the civil service pension insurance in the country by the country all initially often burden , and pension substitution rate is much higher than other occupation pension beneficiary .

  23. 本文在介绍世界各国养老保险改革情况的基础上,着重分析了英国养老保险市场化的改革进程及特点;并对英国养老保险市场化改革的效果进行了深入探讨。

    On the basis of introducing the pension reforms in different countries , the article outlines the process of the market-oriented reform of the British pension insurance and analyzes the characteristics of the reform and evaluates its effects .

  24. 最后提出可以加快事业单位养老保险改革,统一企事业单位养老保险制度,并通过企业年金作为补充保险的方式缩小企事业单位养老保险差异。

    Finally the paper put forward the suggestions of speeding up the endowment insurance reform of institution , providing annuity and occupational pension as supplementary insurance so as to reduce the discrepancy of endowment insurance between the supplementary insurance .

  25. 结合全国养老保险改革大环境,对福建省做实个人账户实施方案进行了大胆预测分析,为福建省将来做实个人账户实践提供选择路径。

    Finally , this article analyzed the implementation plan of the replenish of individual retirement account in fujian province under the national environment , which will provide suggestions on the replenish of individual retirement account for fujian province in future .

  26. 企业年金制度也是近年来养老保险改革一项方兴未艾的事业,与基本养老保险的互补性越来越明显,本章从多个视角比较与阐述了企业年金制度的定位问题。

    Enterprise annuity system is recently another ascendant cause in the old-age insurance reform , more and more obviously regarded as supplement of basic old-age insurance . This chapter compares and indicates the orientation of enterprise annuity system from different perspectives .

  27. 自我国实行养老保险改革以来,城镇职工的养老问题已经取得了一定的成效,但是随着市场经济的发展,社会保障的运行机制仍然存在不少问题。

    Since our country implement the reform of endowment insurance , urban staff live in retirement problem has gotten certain effect . However , along with the development of market-oriented economy , the operation mechanism of social security still has a lot of problems .

  28. 本论文既从系统和环境的观点出发,研究了市场经济条件下养老保险改革的目标和方向、养老保险制度模式、养老保险保障程度等涉及养老保险体系基本定位的问题;

    Firstly , the thesis mainly deals with major social pension system problems of market economy such as its target and orientation , pattern and degree in the condition of market economy . First , the paper establishes the economic theory foundation of retirement and public pension integration .

  29. 养老保险制度改革对工资增长趋势的影响分析

    Analysis of the Effects of Pension Reform on Wage Rate Changes

  30. 论农村社会养老保险制度改革中的政府角色

    The Government Roles in Reform of Rural Social Old Age Insurance System