
  • 网络Pig Industry;pig farming;pig husbandry;pig business
  1. 随着我国规模化养猪业的发展和高瘦肉型猪种的饲养,猪的肉质已引起人们广泛的关注。

    With the development of pig industry in our country , people began to pay attention to pig meat quality .

  2. 本文综述了益生素在规模化养猪业中的应用效果,阐明了益生素的作用机理及其影响因素。

    This paper summarized effect of the application of beneficial microbe in Large scale pig industry and elaborated the principle and the factors .

  3. GIS在环保型养猪业区域规划中的应用规模化养猪场配套肉狗饲养的探索

    Regional planning of pig husbandry with environmental protection using GIS Study of Meat-dog Husbandry Attached to a Massive Pig Farm

  4. 广东集约化养猪业的环境影响及其防治对策

    Environmental Impact and Its Control of Intensive Industrialized Piggery in Guangdong Province

  5. 随着集约化、机械化养猪业的发展,养猪场所带来的环境污染已日趋严重。

    With the development of mechanized piggeries , environmental pollution that it brought about has become more and more serious .

  6. 随着规模化、集约化养猪业的不断发展,中国目前是世界上最大的猪肉生产国和消费国。

    With the large-scale and intensive development of pig industry , China is now the biggest pork producing and consuming country in the world .

  7. 猪链球菌病是一种人畜共患的急性细菌性传染病,对养猪业危害很大。

    Swine streptococcosis is an acute bacillary infectious disease that a kind of people and animals suffered from altogether , endanger the pig industry very large .

  8. 我国规模化养猪业发展迅速,集约化养猪场所产生的废弃物大多由养猪场附近的农田土壤消纳。

    With the rapid development of scale swine-farms in China , the swine waste which was brought by intensive hoggery was disposed in farmland soils around swine farm region .

  9. 潘永杰表示:当2008年猪肉价格高企时,我几个从事房地产或采矿的朋友开始投资养猪业。

    When pig prices were high in 2008 , I had friends in the real estate industry or mining industry who started investing in pig raising , says Mr Pan .

  10. 农业专家指出,小规模的家庭养猪占养猪业的很大一部分,这很容易导致每几年就会出现价格波动。

    Agricultural experts point out that small-scale household pig raising accounts for a great proportion of the pig raising industry , which easily results in strong price fluctuations every few years .

  11. 制备可同时检测引起集约化养猪业常见4种传染病,病毒(猪流感病毒、口蹄疫病毒、猪伪狂犬病毒、猪蓝耳)的寡核苷酸芯片。

    An oligonucleotide microarray was developed to detect simultaneously four severe epidemic porcine viruses , including swine influenza virus ( SIV ), foot-and-mouth disease virus ( FMDV ), porcine pseudorabies virus ( PRV ) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ( PRRSV ) .