
  • 网络hong kong sanatorium & hospital;HKSH;hong kong sanatorium and hospital;HK Sanatorium & Hospital
  1. 9月底,他转院至香港养和医院(sanatorium&hospital)的消息,并未让媒体消停,只不过让记者们转移了阵地。

    His transfer to Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital in late September did not end the media frenzy . Reporters only shifted camp .

  2. 养和医院家族遗传性癌症服务家族遗传性癌症服务以癌症高危家族成员为主要服务对象,协助他们预防癌症,并且能及早发现癌症。

    Familial Cancer Services in Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital Familial Cancer Services aim to promote the prevention and early detection of cancer in affected families .

  3. 据消息人士透露,中国最有影响力的小说家之一金庸(原名查良镛)于周二(10月30日)下午在香港养和医院逝世,享年94岁。金庸去世时家人陪在身边。

    Louis Cha Leung-yung , one of the most influential Chinese novelists , and better known under the pen name Jin Yong , died on Tuesday afternoon in Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital surrounded by family members , according to sources close to him . He was 94 .