
diǎn cáng
  • Collection;book reservation
典藏[diǎn cáng]
  1. 网络环境下典藏工作的扩展和延伸

    Expansion and extension of book reservation under network environment

  2. 由于期刊电子化网络化的特点,它将对期刊管理模式中的订购、藏刊、典藏、流通环节,以及期刊管理专业人员产生影响。

    The periodicals have their own characteristics of electronization and network which will affect the booking , periodical collection , book reservation , circulation , and the management professionals in the management model of periodicals .

  3. 《Mondo电影海报艺术典藏》将这一备受欢迎的艺术汇集成册,将工作室艺术家们难以置信的创造力展示出来,而这些千奇百态的风格遵守的是同一个原则,即对电影主体的无限热爱。

    The Art of Mondo brings together this highly sought-after art in one volume that showcases the incredible ingenuity of the studio 's diverse stable of artists whose vastly different styles are united by one guiding principle : limitless passion for their subject matter .

  4. Metadata与数字典藏论保存元数据Metadata机制研究

    The Research on Metadata and Digital Preservation

  5. 制造62座NBA巨星典藏玩偶的玩具企业家

    The toy enterprise that produces 62 NBA superstar dolls

  6. 利用Workflows打印书标和分库典藏账

    How to Use Workflows Printing Title Labels and Keeping Accounts

  7. 浅议RFID在图书流通和典藏中的应用图书馆2.0在高校图书馆的应用调研&图书馆员眼中的图书馆2.0

    Discussion on the Application of RFID in Library Circulation and Book Reservation Investigation and Study on Application of Library 2.0 in Chinese University Libraries : Library 2.0 in Librarians ' Opinion

  8. 详细介绍了图书馆如何利用美国Sirsi公司的Workflows程序打印书标和分库典藏帐的步骤。

    This paper introduced the steps of printing title labels and keeping accounts by using Workflows of Sirsi exactly .

  9. 梵克雅宝大量回购自己上世纪70年代推出的首饰款式,给人的感觉是:“自己在二手市场不果断出手,就会一无所获”。其传承典藏总监凯瑟琳愠里乌(CatherineCariou)说。

    Van Cleef & Arpels is hoovering up its 1970s pieces as " if I wait I won 't find anything on the second-hand market , " says Catherine Cariou , the company 's heritage director .

  10. 欧阳修的藏书室有1o,000册图书,还有大量的文学典藏和古代留下的考古学记录。

    His Iibrary consisted of 10000 books and a large collection of literary artifacts and archaeological records from ancient times .

  11. 台大典藏数字化计划以OAI架构为其基础,进行与互通机制相关的研究与系统规划。

    Taiwan University Digital Archives Project ( TUDAP ) is one of its institutional projects , proceeding relative studies and system design based on OAI framework .

  12. 在碧翠丝看来,最棒的是“非凡的花朵”,这一鲜花主题的游览串起了国家艺术馆(NationalGallery)的永久典藏,她一见到那些奇花异卉,立即拿起博物馆赠送的铅笔匆忙开始涂鸦。

    The best of these , in Beatrice 's view , was " Marvelous Blooms , " a flower-centric guide to the National Gallery 's permanent collection , which had her eagerly scribbling away with colored pencils provided by the museum . Her mother 's attention , however , wandered during these exercises .

  13. 她虽然看上去锈迹斑斑但她可是个典藏版

    She may look old and rusty but she is a classic

  14. 高校图书馆外文期刊数字典藏与服务系统的设计

    Design on Digital Repository of Foreign Journals in University Library

  15. 具备图书采购、图书编目、典藏、期刊管理、流通等高校图书期刊等基本管理功能;

    Having the books purchasing , periodical management , cataloguing and collection ;

  16. 文物典藏机构危险管理的研究

    A Study on the Risk Management for Preservation Organization of Cultural Collections

  17. 深入白宫艺术典藏之�

    Presidential Paintings A Tour of the White House Art Collection

  18. 化学品紧急应变资料库建有电子文献资料库和精品典藏库。

    The electronic documents database and selected collection storehouse have been built .

  19. 第三部分以史为据,分析了两汉图书的整理和典藏情况。

    The third part analyzes the books enterprises ' reorganization and reservation situation .

  20. 多校区办学环境下图书馆典藏面临的挑战及首要任务

    The Challenge and the First Mission in Books Reservation of the Multi-Campus Libraries

  21. 跨校区多分馆文献典藏分配模式分析

    Analysis of Distribution Modes of the Literature Collection in the Multi-District Branch Library

  22. 三线典藏制在数字化进程中的更新与拓展

    Renewal and development of triple book reservation system in the course of digitization

  23. 试论典藏反馈信息的作用

    Discussion on the function of feedback informatin of keeping

  24. 关于高校图书馆附盘文献典藏管理的若干思考

    Considerations about the Reservation and Management of Literatures Attached with Disks in University Library

  25. 论公共图书馆的典藏

    Discussion on the Storage of the Public Library

  26. 文化彰显魅力!文化北京、典藏世界。

    The culture props the glamor and the cultural Beijing makes a collection world .

  27. 浅谈高校图书馆典藏工作的现状及对策

    Talking about the Present Situation of and Countermeasures for the Reservation Work in University Library

  28. 网络环境下图书馆典藏工作模式与人员素质要求

    The Work Pattern and Requirements on Staff Talent of Library Book Reservation under Network Environment

  29. 本文系探讨数位典藏支持数位学习的契机及可行性。

    This article discusses the probability and feasibility of digital libraries in support of e-learning .

  30. 典藏版的出货时间取决于零售商的出货流程。

    It would depend on the retailer you 're purchasing it from and their shipping procedures .