
  • 网络Critical Chain;ccpm
  1. 本文以某汽车制造企业的整车开发项目为研究对象,运用关键链技术研究工期风险的传递问题。

    With global vehicle development project as its research objective , this paper utilizes CCPM and studies the transfer mechanism of duration risks .

  2. 基于关键链理论的G公司研发项目进度管理研究

    The Progress Management of R & D Projects Based on Critical Chain Theory in G Corporation

  3. 关键链规划(CriticalChainSchedule)是TOC在项目管理中的运用,也是最新的项目管理技术之一。

    Critical Chain Schedule is the application of TOC in Project Management and the latest technology in PM .

  4. TOC关键链法在H公司TAT项目中的应用研究

    Research of TOC-Based Critical Chain Method in H Company TAT Project

  5. 并介绍了TOC的理论以及关键链方法的基本理论。

    Also it introduces the theory of TOC and basic theory .

  6. 基于模糊综合决策及Shannon熵的关键链缓冲确定方法

    Identify critical chain buffer based on fuzzy synthesis decision and Shannon entropy

  7. GMP验证关键链项目管理

    Critical Chain Project Management for GMP Validation

  8. 关键链项目管理技术在YB输变电工程进度管理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of the Critical Chain Project Management in the Scheduling Management of YB Project

  9. TOC理论在项目进度管理中的运用被称为关键链技术CCM。

    TOC 's application in process management is intituled as CCM ( Critical chain method ) .

  10. 关键链技术作为一种新型的项目进度管理技术,可以解决EPC项目进度计划存在的问题,对EPC进度管理有着很重要的意义。

    Critical Chain as a new technique for project schedule management can solve the existing problems in EPC schedule plan .

  11. 关键链法(CCM)是在约束理论(TOC)基础上发展起来的一种项目进度计划技术。

    Critical Chain Method ( CCM ) is a burgeoning project scheduling technology based on the Theory of Constraints ( TOC ) .

  12. 供应链管理和关键链项目管理在EPC项目中的并用,有利于防范工程项目的风险与不确定性。

    Applying the supply chain management and the critical chain project management in the EPC project is advantageous to guard against the risk and the uncertainties .

  13. TOC在项目管理的运用被称为关键链项目管理(CCPM),旨在通过项目的关键链进行项目规划、控制。

    The application of TOC in Project Management is entitled as Critical Chain Project Management ( CCPM ) .

  14. 虚拟团队、场景分析、需求调查和关键链管理等措施在WLAN通信工程项目中的应用,最终解决了WLAN通信工程项目的进度控制难题。

    Virtual team , scene analysis , demand survey and critical chain management measures in WLAN communication projects in the application , finally solved the WLAN communication project progress control problem .

  15. 本文在项目管理中引入TOC,并结合对CPM/PERT与关键链的讨论,探讨TOC在项目中的运用。

    This paper will recommend TOC to Project Management , compare TOC with PERT / CPM and give application of TOC in Critical Chain and multiple project environments .

  16. 最后,通过案例验证了EPC模式下基于灰熵和未确知有理数的关键链进度管理模型,与传统带有安全时间的进度计划相比节省工期,具有可行性。

    Finally , the critical chain schedule management model based on gray entropy algorithm and unascertained rational number contrasted by the traditional schedule plan with safety time is feasible through the case analysis .

  17. WAPI项目进度控制是基于关键链管理的进度控制,核心是对缓冲的管理和控制。

    The WAPI project schedule control is based on critical chain project management . The core is the management and controlling of buffer .

  18. TheoryofConstraint(TOC)强调以系统的观点来进行项目管理,它在项目管理中的运用被称为关键链管理(CCPM)。

    Theory of Constraint ( TOC ) emphasizes systematic view in project management . The application of TOC in project management is called Critical Chain Project Management ( CCPM ) , which controls the project by critical chain and buffer .

  19. 最后通过Witness仿真技术对制定的关键链计划进行了模拟分析,验证了所提方法的有效性,这对我国船舶企业有效实施多项目管理具有一定的借鉴意义。

    At last , we analyzed the critical chain planning in Witness simulation platform and validated the validity of the method this paper proposed , which is very important influence for the ship building enterprises in our Country to implement multi-project management .

  20. 从而导入关键链项目管理(CCPM)的方法,较好地解决了工期不确定性因素较多、工序关系复杂的国道大修工程进度管理。

    Thus introducing critical chain method , can solve the time more uncertain factors , process the complicated relationship between the national highway overhaul project schedule management .

  21. 自1997年被提出以来,基于关键链的项目管理技术(CCPM)受到日益广泛的关注。

    Since it was proposed in 1997 , critical chain based on project management ( CCPM ) has been studied and applied by more and more people .

  22. 基于资源受限项目调度(RCPS)的理论与方法,设计了一种项目计划中非关键链上工作缓冲区的设定方法。

    Based on resources_constrained project scheduling ( RCPS ) theory and methods , we develop a new approach for setting project buffer and feeding buffers .

  23. 提出了FCCM的八条应用法则。提出了FCCM在单项目和多项目环境下的应用设计,从而展示了构造各种环境下的柔性关键链计划的完整过程。

    This dissertation puts forward eight application principles of FCCM , the application design of FCCM under the environment of single project and multi-projects , thereby shows the intact course of constructing flexible critical chain plan under various kinds of environments .

  24. 关键链&一种项目计划与调度新方法

    Critical chain & A new method for project planning and scheduling

  25. 基于关键链的矿井建设计划的编制与研究

    Compilation and Research of Underground Mine Construction Plan Based on CCPM

  26. 基于模糊关键链法工程项目缓冲区的确定

    Approach for Setting Project Buffers Based on Fuzzy Critical Chain Method

  27. 战略联盟视角的柔性关键链项目管理研究

    Research on the Flexible Critical Chain Management Based on Strategic Alliance

  28. 基于关键链的项目进度与成本缓冲集成研究

    Project progress based on critical chain and cost buffer integration research

  29. 属性相关的关键链计划缓冲设置方法

    A Buffer Sizing Approach in Critical Chain Scheduling with Attributes Dependent

  30. 工程项目进度计划编制的关键链法研究

    Research on the Making Construction Project Schedule with Critical Chain Method