
  • 网络Keyword Stuffing
  1. 这类垃圾的特点是它们的网页视觉结构特征完全相同,一般由同一站长制作,常常伴随着附件作弊、夹杂、关键词堆砌等作弊手段。

    Such type of page , typically produced by the same owners , often accompanied by attachments cheating , keyword stuffing and other cheating .

  2. 而且更糟糕的是,有严厉的惩罚,包括禁止)从搜索引擎(关键词堆砌,因为这被认为是不道德的做法,试图操纵搜索结果。

    And what is worse , there are severe penalties ( including ban from the search engine ) for keyword stuffingbecause this is considered an unethical practice that tries to manipulate search results .