
  • 网络critical dimension
  1. 同时,采用2种不同抗蚀剂实验监测了不同潜像对比度引起的关键尺寸(CD)偏差。

    Critical Dimension ( CD ) deviation caused by the different latent image contrast is also experimentally monitored using two different photoresists .

  2. 优异的盲配连接特性,使产品组装非常简便,关键尺寸也很宽松。

    Exceptional blind mating characteristics , allowing for simple product assembly or relaxation of critical dimensions .

  3. IC晶片关键尺寸标定的新方法研究

    Study on the New Method of CD Calibrating for IC Wafer

  4. 用有限元方法分析了夹盘受力场状态,找到了V型槽滑块关键尺寸的设计依据。

    The stress field of the jig is analyzed by finite element method and the key dimensions of V-shaped slide are established .

  5. 通过对WQ-10型煤气平焰烧嘴进行各种关键尺寸的1:1冷态和热态试验,确定了合理的结构尺寸,并获得了空气和煤气p-V特性曲线。

    The optimum construction and p-V characteristic curve of air and gas have been obtained by the 1 : 1 cold and hot test for designing of WQ-10 flat flame gas burner .

  6. 查验尺寸检查报告,并核实关键尺寸。

    Review the dimensional check reports and take the key dimensional check .

  7. 标准女裤基本纸样关键尺寸设定的合理性

    Rationality of the key size about standard basic pattern of women 's trousers

  8. 制动梁更换滚子轴如何控制关键尺寸浅析

    Analysis of How to Control Key Dimensions in Changing Roller Shaft on the Brake Beam

  9. 利用误差传递原则确定关键尺寸误差分布状况;

    The distribution of key dimension errors is determined by using the error transfer principle .

  10. 获得了铯束管主要电参数与束光学、管子主要部件参数及其关键尺寸之间的关系式;

    The relations between these parameters , beam optics and assembly of the tube are obtained .

  11. 在此基础上,为节约生产成本,对球磨机的关键尺寸进行优化,得出了优化方案。

    On this foundation , essential sizes of the mill and the optimization plan in order to save production cost .

  12. 此外,关键尺寸、负荷、设计和操作压力以及温度可以在图上列表。

    In addition , key dimensions , duties and operating and deign pressures and temperatures may be listed on the diagram .

  13. 依据第二章2水平部分因子试验设计的结果着重对影响主销内倾平衡零部件的关键尺寸展开分析。

    Analysis the effect of critical dimensions of important parts on kingpin inclination angle balance according to Doe result of second chapter .

  14. 该工艺方案减小了零件变薄率,保证了零件关键尺寸的精度,减少了试模次数,提高了效率。

    It can reduce thinning rate greatly , ensure precision of key dimensions , reduce the mold test times and improve the efficiency .

  15. 阐述了全射流喷头中水射流附壁点的距离是喷头射流元件设计的关键尺寸。

    The distance between wall attachment point and basic circle is a key dimension in the design of complete fluidic sprinkler ′ s fluidic element .

  16. 曝光宽容度的改善,提高了关键尺寸的控制,消除了反射凹口,防止远紫外抗蚀剂由基底毒化。

    Exposure latitude improvement , enhanced critical dimen-sion ( CD ) control , elimination of reflective notching , and protection of DUV resist from substrate poison-ing .

  17. 利用数码相机和计算机图形处理技术获得脚部关键尺寸,实现小批量敏捷制造。

    Futhermore , it can gain foot characteristic size by digital camera and computer graphics disposal technology , so agile manufacturing in small batch comes true .

  18. 最后,通过模拟仿真并考虑实际工况给出了轴承间隙和节流孔孔径两个关键尺寸。

    At last the two key parameters of the bearing clearance and the orifice radius were given by simulation and consideration of the real working conditions .

  19. 依据流动平衡原则,根据流场速度分布探讨了部分关键尺寸的确定。针对热塑性聚氨酯材料进行了异型管材机头的设计。

    Some key dimensions were confirmed according to the flow balancing theory and the velocity distribution , and a profile-tube die was designed for thermal polyurethane .

  20. 设计了工艺基准,将三坐标测量机测得的数据转化为尺寸链中的关键尺寸,通过计算得到精确的深度尺寸。

    The data obtained from the three-dimensions measuring machine are converted to the key demensions of a dimension chain and then the depth can be measured accurately .

  21. 说明了该冷拉调直机的基本工作原理,推导了确定关键尺寸参数的基本公式。

    This paper states the basic principle of operation of cold drawing and straightening machine . It derives basic formula to determine the major size and parameters .

  22. 随着大规模集成电路制造朝着更高集成度,更小关键尺寸以及更大晶圆半径的方向发展,对工艺的精度和可重复性要求越来越高。

    As the semiconductor manufacturing industry moves towards smaller device structures and larger wafer sizes , the demands for accuracy and reproducibility in etching process has greatly increased .

  23. 对采用人字形弹簧的一系悬挂进行结构分析,找出一系悬挂中影响构架高度的几个关键尺寸。

    This paper analyzes the structure of the primary suspension with chevron rubber spring to find out the critical dimensions which may influence the height of bogie frame .

  24. 对产品制造业企业来说,通过产品制造和装配过程中的精度管理控制关键尺寸误差,提高产品质量,增强产品市场竞争力成为企业的首要任务之一。

    Therefore , the prime task is to improve the quality of products by machining accuracy and assembly accuracy management in order to improve the competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises .

  25. 因此,针对三维点云的点元、线元特征提取,空间匹配以及点云拼接等方面的研究是十分必要的,为后续曲面重构、关键尺寸测量等提供保证。

    Therefore , researches on feature point / line primitives ' extraction , matching and registration of points cloud datasets are essential procedures to surface reconstruction and dimensional measurement .

  26. 另外,该软件还可以给出不同参数对刚度和自振频率的影响结果,实现了设计中的特征尺寸、关键尺寸的优化设计。

    In addition , the program could provide the effects of different parameters on stiffness and self-oscillation frequency , and realize the optimized design on characteristic size and key dimension .

  27. 在有图形的片子上得到的扫描电镜检查结果显示了在等离子去胶和随后的湿法清洗后的清洁度、良好的图形轮廓和图形结构的关键尺寸保持情况。

    SEM inspection results obtained on patterned wafers show the cleanliness , good profile and CD retention of the structures after the He : H2 plasma strip and subsequent wet cleans .

  28. 在服装三维造型研究中,与服装关键尺寸相对应的人体尺寸除肩宽与上裆外,可以由人体数学模型估计得到。

    In the construction of 3-D garments , the key dimensions of garment panels can be predicated from this mathematical model except for the measurements of shoulder width and upper crotch .

  29. 最后,本文针对活塞组重点研究了关键尺寸对摩擦功的影响关系,为发动机的公差设计和优化提供了理论基础。

    Finally , the impact of key dimension on friction power loss is researched specially with regard to piston assembly , which provides theoretical basis for tolerance design and optimization of an engine .

  30. 采用实验及有限元数值分析相结合的方法,研究了试验片关键尺寸对层间剪切强度表观值的影响,确立了最佳试验片形状与尺寸。

    Theoretical and experimental methods were used for the analysis of the relationship between the specimen 's key dimension and the results , and the favorable shape and dimension of the specimen were established .