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关市 [guān shì]
  • [border market] 关隘与市场。古代指设在交通要道的集市。后来专指设在边境同外族或外国通商的市场

  1. 楚国的赋税制度,主要包括军赋、田税、地租、户口税和关市税等几种形式。

    The taxes system of Chu state maily includes corvee , farm tax , land rent , household tax , tariff and so on .

  2. 随着商品货币经济的发展,也出现了一些专门性的商业市场,如军市、奴市、关市等。

    With the development of the economy of commodity currency , some specified markets , such as Military Market , Slave Market , Guan Market , and so on , began to appear .

  3. 崔融的《谏税关市疏》引述并继承了孟子不少的经济观点来反对当时收取关市赋税,对社会分工的认识也与孟子的观点相同。

    Jian Sui Guan Shi Shu written by Cui Rong cited and inherited many economic views from Mencius to oppose the imposition of tax at that time and he also shared the ideas on social division of labor with Mencius .