
lán zhōu jiāo tōnɡ dà xué
  • Lanzhou Jiaotong University
  1. 魏小龙(音译)于2005年秋毕业于兰州交通大学英文系。

    WEI Xiaolong graduated from Lanzhou Jiaotong University in English in autumn 2005 .

  2. 张出生于江苏栗阳,1982年毕业于兰州交通大学车辆工程专业。

    Born in Liyang , Jiangsu province , Zhang graduated from Lanzhou Jiaotong University with a major in vehicle engineering in1982 .

  3. 研究者根据实际情况从兰州交通大学非英语专业研究生中选取了113名受试。

    113 non - English major graduate students in Lanzhou Transportation University were selected .

  4. 兰州交通大学实行俱乐部制体育教学模式探析

    A Research on the PE Teaching Model of Club System Adopted in Lanzhou University of Communication

  5. 高校开展综合化学实验教学的构想&以兰州交通大学应用化学系专业实验课程体系改革实践为例

    On the Concept of Comprehensive Chemistry Experiment Teaching in Higher Institutions & illustrated by the Reform on Experiment Courses System in Department of Applied Chemistry of Lanzhou Jiaotong University

  6. 据央广网报道,兰州交通大学博文学院的代表日前前往了因休病假而被解雇、最终死于癌症的教师的家中,并表达了歉意。

    Representatives of Lanzhou Jiaotong University Bowen College went to the house of the sick teacher who was fired when she went on sick leave and then died of cancer to apologize , reported cnr.cn .