
  1. 据介绍,公益性岗位聘用对象为持有本市发放的“安徽省就业失业登记证”的就业困难对象。

    Jobs applicants shall submit their Anhui Registration Certificates of Unemployment issued by the city , as is stipulated .

  2. 公益性岗位在失业救助政策中的作用分析&以资源枯竭型城市阜新为例

    Analysis on the function of public welfare position in unemployment salvation policy & taking resource-exhausted city Fuxin as example

  3. 被安排在公益性岗位工作的,按照国家规定给予岗位补贴。

    Was placed in the public welfare of the job positions , in accordance with the provisions of National subsidies given positions .

  4. 这些困难人员如要求参加公益性岗位,可到当地劳动部门所属的就业服务机构登记应聘。

    All the six groups of people will have to register in the local employment department before they can apply for the jobs .

  5. 革新中的抚旧:晚清政府安置旧式文人之举措要健全再就业援助制度,政府出资开发的公益性岗位要优先安置就业困难人员。

    We need to develop a fully functioning reemployment assistance mechanism , giving people with difficulties in finding jobs on their own hiring preference in non-profit undertakings funded by the government .

  6. 对此,以资源枯竭型城市阜新为例,论述了公益性岗位就业模式的特点,对其在失业救助中的积极作用进行了分析和评估,同时也指出了公益性岗位就业模式的缺憾和不足。

    Aiming at this , taking resource-exhausted city Fuxin as example , discusses the characteristics of public welfare position employment mode , analyzes and evaluates its active function on unemployment salvation , points out the disadvantages and shortcomings of public welfare position employment mode .

  7. 首先,在对大学生公益性就业岗位的内涵和范畴进行界定后,对岗位开发的意义进行深入探讨。

    First , students in the public welfare jobs for the content and scope defined , the significance of the post-depth analysis of the development .

  8. 特别是出台了大学毕业生和农民工就业的各项措施,进一步开辟公益性就业岗位,千方百计减缓金融危机对就业的影响。

    In particular , we have introduced various policy measures to help college graduates and migrant workers find jobs and provided more government-funded jobs in public service .

  9. 开展系列就业服务活动,多渠道开辟公益性就业岗位,促进高校毕业生到基层就业、应征入伍和到企事业单位就业见习。

    We launched a series of employment service activities , created public-service jobs through multiple channels , and encouraged college graduates to take jobs at the primary level , enlist in the army , or join enterprises and institutions as interns .