
  • 网络park and recreation;Parks & Recreation
  1. 美国时间本周四,NBC电视台宣布第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马将在《公园与游憩》本季最后一集中亮相。

    First lady Michelle Obama is going to make an appearance on the season finale of Parks and Recreation , NBC announced Thursday .

  2. 《公园与游憩》第六季最后一集将于美国时间4月24日播出,时长1小时。

    The hour-long Parks and Recreation season 6 finale is set to air April 24 .

  3. 我很喜欢你在电影和《公园与游憩》里的表演

    And I love you in the movie and I love you on the Parks and Recreation

  4. 这个词太流行了,以至于《公园与游憩》中以词汇丰富著称的汤姆·哈弗福德也用了这个词。

    It became so popular that it even entered the notably colorful lexicon of Tom Haverford on " Parks and Rec. "