
  • 网络Company Registration;Registration of the company;company registry
  1. 公司登记(CompanyRegistration)作为登记的一种类型,是措公司登记机关根据登记申请人的申请,经依法审核,将法定应予以登记的事项登载于公司登记簿上并予以公示的法律制度。

    Company registration means the legal mechanism according to which the registration agency registers the statutory items on the registry book on the application of the registration applicant after strict examination .

  2. 第一部分是对公司登记立法价值取向的分析。

    Part 1 studies the legislative value orientation of company registration .

  3. 选择ClearExistingHistoricalRatesforCurrentSelectionsBeforeCopying复选框可以删除已针对选中的现状/期间、货币代码和目标公司登记的值。

    Select the Clear Existing Historical Rates for Current Selections Before Copying check box to delete any values already registered for the selected actuality / period , currency codes and target company .

  4. 在拉斯维加斯,伴游公司登记为电话推销公司。

    In Las Vegas , agencies are known as outcall promoters .

  5. 提取结果可供矿业公司登记矿权时参考。

    Experimental result can refer mining companies to register mining rights .

  6. 关于撤销公司登记的程序构架的探讨

    Discussion on the Framework of Procedure in Revoking the Corporate Registration

  7. 工商行政管理机关是公司登记机关。

    The Administration for Industry and commerce is the company registration authority .

  8. 公司登记机关要求提交的其他文件。

    Other documents required to be submitted by the company registration authority .

  9. 在公司登记中强化公示主义与要式主义的适用;

    Reinforcement of principle of public summons and formality ;

  10. 第四节我国一人公司登记、公示制度的完善。

    The fourth quarter of one-man company registration , the public system perfect .

  11. 也就是我国的公司登记、公示制度的问题。

    That is , our company registration publicity system .

  12. 公司登记费,英属维尔京群岛政府。

    The company registration fee to the BVI government .

  13. 第二部分:国内外的公司登记制度研究。

    The second part , study on the registration system both home and abroad .

  14. 股东在公司登记后,不得抽回出资。

    Shareholders may not withdraw their capital contributions after the registration of a company .

  15. 行政机关的公司登记行为是一种特殊的具体行政行为。

    Company registered act of government organization is a specific and concrete administrative action .

  16. 公司登记申请书及表格原件两套。

    Original Application Letter and Application Forms for Registration of WFOC ( two sets );

  17. 赌城有几十家伴游公司登记在这栋办公大楼。

    Dozens of escort agencies in Las Vegas are registered to this office building .

  18. 布鲁克:但我们在梅西百货公司登记过了。

    Brooke : But we registered at Macy 's.

  19. 中国征信所及其个人征信事业考察(1932~1949)从中国征信所两次公司登记看其属性之辨

    Distinguishing the Attributes of the Two Companies of Chinese Credit Agencies from Their Company Enrollments

  20. 公司登记效力之初探

    Talk on the Effectiveness of Company Registering

  21. 公司登记日期;

    Date of registration of the company ;

  22. 公司登记成立的日期;

    The name of the company ;

  23. 应当自批准之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记

    The registration of establishment should be applied for within 90 days from the date of approval

  24. 公司登记成立前不得向股东交付股票。

    No share certificates may be delivered prior to the registration and establishment of the company .

  25. 从本质上说,公司登记是一种公法行为,具有行政确认的性质。

    Corporate registration is a behavior of public law , has the nature of administrative license .

  26. 公司登记机关核准变更登记的,换发《营业执照》。

    The company registration authority issues a new Business License if it approves the registration of change .

  27. 项目报批咨询:公司登记注册、设项目申报、济信息服务等。

    Project approval consultation : company registration , application of construction project , services in economic information .

  28. 迁入地公司登记机关受理的

    If the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move accepts the application

  29. 当您声明需要为哪家公司登记历史汇率时,这些账户将自动出现。

    These accounts appear automatically when you state for which company you want to register historical rates .

  30. 办理公司登记时虚报注册资本,取得公司登记的

    A company which , when registering , falsely reports its registered capital and has obtained registration of company