
  • 网络Corporate finance;corporate financing;Corporation Finance
  1. 无套利均衡分析在公司理财领域的运用最早体现在莫迪格莱尼和米勒(1958)研究企业资本结构与企业价值之间关系的MM理论中。

    While it is Modigliani and Miller who first use no arbitrage principle in corporate finance field to explain MM theory , which is about the relationship of firm 's capital structure and it 's value .

  2. 如何达到最佳的资本结构,是公司理财中需要面对的首要问题。

    Capital structure decision is an important issue of corporate finance .

  3. 六年以后,Modigliani和Miller(1958)的经典之作《资本成本、公司理财与投资理论》揭开了资本结构理论研究的新篇章。

    Six years later , the classical work 《 capital cost , company financing and investment theory 》 of Modigliani and Miller ( 1958 ) revealed the new page of the theoretical research of capital structure .

  4. 资金时间价值在公司理财中的应用

    The application of the time value of money to corporate finance

  5. 论公司理财中的融资策划问题

    On the Matters of the Financing Arrangement in the Company Finance

  6. 衍生金融工具在公司理财中的运用研究

    Research on the Application of Financial Derivative Instruments in Corporate Finance

  7. 跨国公司理财环境问题研究

    Research on the environment question about multinational corporation managing finances

  8. 论权利本位原则在公司理财中的运用

    On the use of right standard principle in corporate financing

  9. 回归直线法在公司理财中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Linear Regression Method in Company Finance

  10. 资本结构及其优化是公司理财中的重要问题。

    To make capital structure reasonable is an important issue of corporate finance .

  11. 股份回购现在已经成为成熟资本市场中常见的一种资本运作方式和公司理财手段。

    It has become a common form of capital operation and corporate financing .

  12. 信托理财与公司理财的比较研究

    Comparative Study between Trust Finance and Company Finance

  13. 现代公司理财环境研究

    Study on Financing Environment of Modern Corporation

  14. 协助办理税务及公司理财。

    Assist with tax filing and treasury .

  15. 股利政策是上市公司理财活动的核心内容,是公司对是否分配股利、分配多少以及何时分配的规定。

    And dividend policy is the dividend provisions about whether , how much and when .

  16. 股利分配政策研究在公司理财中占有及其重要的位置。

    An Empirical Analysis on Influential Factors of Listed Companies Cash Dividend Policy in China ;

  17. 摘要股利政策是现代公司理财活动的三大核心内容之一。

    Dividend policy is one of the three core content of financial management of modern companies .

  18. 第四部分为行为财务理论在公司理财中的应用研究。

    The forth part is the research on application of behavioral finance theory in corporate finance .

  19. 在公司理财行为中,一个重要的课题就是如何面对不确定性。

    In the behavior of financial management , an important subject is how to face uncertainty .

  20. 公司理财中不可忽视的一个问题,就是要将自身体质信息最好地传递给投资者。

    It is not neglectable in the corporate finance to transmit its information properly to invertors .

  21. 金融数学及金融工程学&公司理财和金融风险防范的高新技术

    Financial Mathematics and Financial Engineering ── New Technology of Corporate Finance and Keeping away Financial Risk

  22. 从资产负债率看上市公司理财状况

    Conduct Financial Transactions Condition of Our Listing Companies in View of the Rates of Assets Debt

  23. 公司理财系统优化的超循环理论观

    On the Optimizing of the Corporate Managerial Finance System from the Perspective of the Hypercycle Theory

  24. 研究背景股利政策是现代公司理财活动的三大核心之一,在公司财务活动中占据着重要地位。

    Research background : The dividend policy is one of the most important activities of corporate finance .

  25. 公司理财中的投资决策关系到公司的生存与发展。

    The investment policy-making of managing money matters is related to the survival and development of company .

  26. 基于公司理财模式的电信建设项目财务评价方法探讨

    Probe into the Method of Finance Evaluation of Telecom Construction Item on the Basis of Corporation Finance Mode

  27. 公司理财目标作为一个体系,理财根本目标是其重要内容。

    The goal of the basic financing of corporation is very important in the system of financing goal .

  28. 投资决策、融资决策和股利决策是现代公司理财管理中最重要的三大财务决策。

    Investment decision 、 financing decision and dividend decision are the three most important financial decisions in modern financing management .

  29. 融资政策、投资政策和股利政策是现代公司理财活动的三大核心内容。

    Circulating necessary funds ' policy investment policy and dividend policy are three cores of financial activities in modern companies .

  30. 社会治理的权利本位原则,为公司理财中坚持权利本位原则提供了政治前提。

    The right standard principle in society management offers political prerequisite for insisting on using right standard principle on corporate financing .