
  • 网络official receptions
  1. 严格控制楼堂馆所建设,禁止高档装修办公楼,加快公务接待、公车使用等制度改革,从严控制公费出国出境。

    We will strictly control the construction of office buildings for Party and government bodies , prohibit extravagant remodeling of their office buildings , accelerate the reform of regulations concerning official receptions and the use of official cars , and firmly restrict the use of public funds for traveling abroad .

  2. 机构臃肿、人浮于事,公务接待不规范,奢侈浪费,行政成本高。

    Overstaffing , overspending on official entertainment , and waste increase administrative costs .

  3. 中国周日发布《党政机关国内公务接待管理规定》,禁止工作餐提供鱼翅等菜肴,这是厉行节约运动的一部分。

    China on Sunday banned shark fin for official dinners as part of its austerity drive .

  4. 落实到公务接待领域,就是要对现行的公务接待进行改革。

    Implementing to the official reception area , which means that we should innovate the current official reception .

  5. 这个政府部门在公务接待、公务用车和因公出国等方面的开支,很长时间被批评为腐败与浪费的根源。

    This government department 's spending on official hospitality , cars and overseas travel has long been criticized as sources of corruption and waste .

  6. 一年前北京曾表示,公务接待禁供鱼翅。鱼翅在中国是一种珍馐,但会严重影响鲨鱼数量。

    A year ago , Beijing signaled it would ban shark-fin soup a delicacy that has taken a toll on shark populations at official banquets .

  7. 周日最新发布的反腐措施规定,公务接待宴请不得提供香烟、高档酒水以及例如鱼翅、燕窝等佳肴。

    The latest anti-corruption measures , issued Sunday , ban cigarettes and upscale liquor as well as classic Chinese delicacies like sharks ' fin and birds ' nests from official banquets .

  8. 据温州市政府办公室和纪检监察部门6月19日发布的公告,公务接待每人每餐不得超过人民币60元(约合9.4美元)。

    Wenzhou officials have limited official reception spending to 60 yuan ( about $ 9.40 ) per meal per person , according to an announcement published June 19 by the local government office and the city 's disciplinary commission .

  9. 公务接待工作失去了计划经济体制条件下的许多优势,如人才调配、物资调拨、财政包干、独家经营等等,工作模式更多地转向了为经济建设服务。

    Lost many advantages under the conditions of the planned economic system to the official reception , such as the deployment of personnel , materials allocation of fiscal responsibility , exclusive dealing , the mode of turning to serve the economic construction .

  10. 同时,必须改革国内财政管理体制,构建公务接待相关的法规体系,倡导适度消费的伦理观念与行政文化,并健全公务接待的监督机制。

    Meanwhile , it requires reforming the domestic financial management system , constructing the relevant legal system of reception for public affairs , popularizing the ethic idea and administrative culture of " Proper Consumption ", and perfecting the superintendence regime of reception for public affairs .

  11. 要严格控制行政机关新建、扩建办公大楼,严禁建设豪华楼堂馆所,切实规范公务接待行为,堵塞管理漏洞,努力降低行政成本,建设节约型政府。

    We will strictly control the construction and expansion of government office buildings , absolutely stop the construction of more luxury government building projects , truly standardize official entertaining , plug up loopholes in management rules , and work to reduce government overhead and build a conservation-minded government .

  12. 可行性包括现有的行政公务接待规制的法制基础、各种社会条件的具备、丰富的域外经验。研究了行政公务接待规制的原则选取,包括内部控制原则和外部控制原则。

    It is feasible because of the legal foundation of present adminitrative official business reception and favourable social condition as well as abundant external experience . Besides , my thesis discusses principle selection of the administrative official business reception . It contains internal control principle and external control principle .

  13. 相较于2006年颁布的文件,这份文件在供应菜品,要求官员提交详细的公务外出计划,以及向财政部披露公务接待经费开支上做出了最为清晰的规定。

    The rule 's clearest expansions from 2006 were on the food items , a requirement for officials to submit details of travel plans , and requirements to disclose public expenditures on receptions to the Ministry of Finance .