
  1. 最强大的群,是将所有的处理器、所有未处于使用状态的汽车集合起来,作为全球电网的一部分来使用,这个假想让我们振奋不已。

    And talking about the ultimate swarm , about having all of the processors and all of the cars when they 're sitting idle being part of a global grid for computing capability . We find that premise quite exciting .

  2. 在全球智能电网的发展环境下,对电力通信网的支撑要求越来越明显。

    Development in the global smart grid environment , the support of electric power communication network requirements become increasingly evident .

  3. 同时,应加大海外市场投入,分享全球智能电网盛宴,保持国内行业出口领先地位。

    In the world many countries have committed to smart grid construction , H company should increase investment in overseas markets and maintain a leading position in the domestic export industries .

  4. 中国的国家电网随着特高压电网的快速发展成为全球最大的电网。

    The nation 's power grids coverage has become the world 's largest with fast expansion of ultra-high voltage network .