
  1. 老板把那些最难应付的顾客全推给她了。

    The boss saddled her with all the most difficult customer .

  2. 他把那工作全推给我。

    He unloaded all that work on me .

  3. 杰拉尔德:今天她轻松地来到我的办公室,把她的问题全推给我,然后转身就走了。

    Gerald : Today she waltzedsintosmy office , dumped her problemssintosmy lap , and left .

  4. 办公室的人都生病了,工作堆成堆,唉,全推到我头上了。

    Ah , everybody at the office is sick , the work keeps piling up , I am getting blamed for it .

  5. (注意这种讲话把你和你的上司放在同一战线上,而不是把问题全推给了上司)

    ( Note that this language puts you and your manager on the same side , rather than attributing the problem to your manager herself . )

  6. 我们本已谈妥分担别墅的租金,但到付钱的时候,其余的人全推在我的身上。

    We all agreed to share in the rent of the cottage , but when it came time to pay , the others left me holding the bag .

  7. 假如房东知道内情,同意你转租,那么你最好与房东签一个书面协议,这样也以防以后产生纠纷,房东的责任全推给你!

    If landlord be in the secret , agree with your relet , so you had better sign a written agreement with landlord , also produce issue later in case so , the responsibility of landlord pushs you completely !

  8. TS-1型全自动推板式电窑的设计

    Design of model TS-1 full-automatic pusher electric kiln

  9. 全递推型式线性预报法可视化仿真

    Visual Simulation for Full-Recursive Type Algorithm of Linear Prediction

  10. 21米氮气氛保护全自动推板窑的研制

    Fabrica tion of 21 metres automatic pushing plate kiln with nitrogen atmosphere protection

  11. 当美国在打仗,而且还准备再开一战时,中国却在全世界推着一辆购物车,往里面装东西。

    While America is fighting wars and preparing for another , China is pushing a shopping cart around the world and filling it up .

  12. 此款为全自动推拉臂式、后倾立柱的气动锁紧机型,取代了半自动的手动锁紧的低效率方式。

    Full-automatic tyre changer with push-pull horizontal arm and tilt back vertical arm , pneumatic locking , instead of semi-automatic and manual locking method , improve the working efficiency .

  13. 运用仿真手段,研究了全液压推土传动系统的速度刚度和变量泵、马达的容积效率,给出了全液压推土机的泵、马达配置的一般原则和合适的排量比取值范围;

    This paper studies velocity rigidity on hydrostatic transmission of bulldozer and volumetric efficiency of the variable pump and motor by means of simulation , gives out the common principle of the motor selection and the range of displacement ratio on pump and motor .

  14. 通过解析光的衰减全反射原理,推导出Kretschmann模型的SPR传感器的反射率公式。

    Based on the theory of attenuated total reflection of light , the reflectance equation of Kretschmann SPR sensor was derivated .

  15. 运用全概率法,推导出强度为正态分布,应力为其它分布式可靠度全概率求解表达式。

    The reliability solution expressions of strength with normal distribution and stress with different ones are given in the paper by total probability methods .

  16. 导梁的长度、刚度及重量在顶推施工阶段对顶推主梁的内力有着重要的影响,其合理配置是全桥顺利顶推的关键。

    The length , rigidity and weight of a launching nose have significant influences on the internal forces of incrementally-launched main girder at construction stage .

  17. 一定压力下的辅助供气是全动气体止推轴承具有良好的起停性能的重要保证,对于透平膨胀机采用的全动压气体止推轴承,供气压力在0.1~0.2MPa之间。

    Assistant air of certain pressure is necessary to assure the good performance of start and stop of bearings . The assistant pressure can be arranged from 0.1 MPa to 0.2 MPa when the self-acting gas-lubricated thrust bears work with an expander .

  18. 本文从全能量原理出发推导出非线性弹性理论中各种可能的主要的变分原理的泛函,其中有几个是在我们所能见到的文献中还没有的。

    In the present paper functionals for the various possible main variational principles in the nonlinear theory of elasticity are derived from the " full energy principle " and several of them were not found yet in the literatures which we can get hold of .

  19. 类比和归纳是经验逻辑中主要的推理模式。类比的显著特征是以一推一,归纳的显著特征是以一推全或以少推全。

    As the two main inferential modes in experiential logic , one of analogy 's marked features is " jump to an individual conclusion by one experience ", while inductive marked feature is " jump to a universal conclusion by one experience or a few of experiences " .