
  • 【航天】orbit injection accuracy
  1. 运载火箭平台惯导系统杆臂效应对入轨精度的影响

    Influence of Lever Arm Effect in Platform Inertial Navigation System of Launch Vehicle on Injection Accuracy

  2. 并且此系统经历了新型火箭飞行试验,通过发射卫星,又取得了入轨精度的验证。

    It has undergone new type rocket flight test , and gained high orbit injection accuracy in satellite launching .

  3. 级间热分离具有改善和提高继续飞行级的稳定性和入轨精度而被固体弹道式导弹广泛采用。

    The thermal stage separation being provided with improving and enhancing stability and orbit precision for flight was abroad adopted in solid-propellant ballistic missile .

  4. 运载火箭的技术指标,包括运载能力、入轨精度、火箭对不同重量的航天器的适应能力和可靠性。

    The launch vehicle technology indicators , including the carrying capacity , precision orbit , rockets of different weights in the spacecraft 's reliability and adaptability .

  5. 气浮陀螺仪在运载火箭惯性平台系统中作为敏感元件,敏感平台的输入角速度,其精度直接决定了平台系统保持惯性空间基准的精度,从而决定整个火箭系统的惯性导航和入轨精度。

    The gas-floated gyroscope is one of the most important inertial instruments measuring the rotational speed of the inertial platform as a sensor , the accuracy of which determines the accuracy of the inertial space reference system directly .

  6. 本论文针对远地点入轨高精度需求,研究大椭圆轨道转移中途修正控制问题,取得如下创新研究成果:提出了一种基于Lambert问题的终端控制法。

    Aiming at acquiring high apogee accuracy , this paper does research in middle way correction control during the large elliptic orbit transfer and has got such achievements . A control method based on the terminal of Lambert problem was proposed .